Chapter 1: We're not in a Fucking James Bond Movie

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The dress that I picture Aubrey wearing for her prom, is at the top or at the side depends on the version that you have.
Aubrey's POV

Prom, I never thought I'd be here. Not until Alex Jonathan Sell asked me out. I was currently sitting at one of the tables that had been set up in our gymnasium for our prom. Everything looked so beautiful and I was so happy to be here, even if I did feel like something odd was going to happen. Alex and me had danced for a little bit, before he said he had to go off to do something. I had seen Ashley leave a little bit after him, she must have gone off to reapply the half a ton of makeup that she was wearing tonight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if I could please have your attention for the crowning of the prom king and queen." One of the guys from our student government announced. People started to turn towards him, the guys checking out some of the girls, and the girls eager to know who would be crowned this year. I was excited and nervous at the same time, my name had actually made the list of candidates this year.

Just then Alex sneaked back up next to me, slipping his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and noticed a smudge of red by his lips, and his hair looked really ruffled. I was just about to ask him about it, when the same guy from earlier spoke again.

"And the results are in folks. Your Senior prom king and queen are, drum roll please, Alex Sell and Ashley McDollen, please come on up for your crowns." The crowd erupted into cheers, after all the two most popular people in the whole school had just been elect prom king and queen. Alex got up and started to walk to the stage, I hadn't been disappointed that much for not winning prom queen but it still hurt that Alex hadn't even said anything about it, he was now just walking away towards Ashley with a secret smile on his face.

Alex and Ashley both started to walk up the stairs and on to the stage, the confusing part about this was that they were both holding hands. They both lowered their heads for the crowns to be put on, and when they both looked up I saw them both smirking in my direction. Ok what the hell was going on.

"Would either of you like to say anything to your fellow classmates?" The stud gov boy asked as he held out the mike to them.

"Actually I would" said Alex as he took the mike from the boy, " I would just like to thank you all for this wonderful opportunity, also I would like to give a shoutout to all my buddies for helping me plan a little trick for you guys." What trick was he talking about? "You all know that I have been dating this girl." Where was Alex taking this, I wondered. "If you don't know her, she's the ugly and nerdy one standing alone at one of the back table over there." I felt a spotlight being shown in my direction as all the blood drained from my face. What the hell was happening. " Well Aubrey what I'm trying to say is that I never really liked you and I just asked you out to help Ashley here get back at you. So I'm breaking up with you, that is if you actually thought we were dating. All I know is that all these sneaky trips to the closet to hook up with Ashley here, is not really a turn on any more."

Then I heard one person start to laugh, then another and another. I looked around and all I could see were people laughing at me. I felt like crying, actually I think I was. So I did the only thing I could think of, I ran out of the school. Yes, me being the person that I am, I just ran.

How could I have fallen for that I couldn't believe that I had fallen for all that bullshit. I should've known that no one would ask me out, let alone to prom. Hell, even my own parents didn't like me.

Wait, that's it, things had gotten better between my parents and I, they would come and get me and make me feel better right? I got out my phone and started to call them.

"Hello? Aubrey how's prom going?" My mom had answered and I could hear my dad in the background so I must have been on speaker.

" Mom, Dad? Can you come pick me up? Alex just dumped me in front of our whole school and told me that he just was dating me to help Ashley get back at me. He cheated on me too. Please just come pick me up."

There was silence for a second on the other line. " Aubrey you are the worst excuse for a daughter that there ever was. I am so ashamed of you, you can't even get a guy to ask you out. You are horrible, you can walk home for all I care. "

I was to shocked to even reply and soon heard the click of the line being disconnected. These people were supposed to love me and help me. My dad was supposed to threaten any guy if he ever hurt me, not the other way around. I was so shocked in fact that I did not hear the big black van that was currently driving up very slowly behind me. I had been walking for a little bit now and it had grown dark.

I finally snapped out of it when I heard the door of the van being slammed shut and a very, very attractive man stepped out. He couldn't have been a year or two older then me putting him at the age of 19 or 20. I snapped out of checking him out to notice that he was coming closer to me. That when I started to panic.

" Who are you" I asked him. Wow just fucking wow Aubrey, your asking the very attractive man who is out at night with a black van, who he fucking is. You are so fucking smart. I see an amused expression flash across the mans face before it disappears.

"We're you just arguing with yourself?" The sexy man asked.

"Huh" I was confused had I been talking aloud the whole time?

"Oh never mind, Are you Aubrey Turner?"

"Depends on who's asking." Why wasn't I running away? Or screaming for help?

"Fair enough, the names Carpenter, Evan Carpenter." Sexy guy, I mean Evan said.

"You do realize that we're not in any fucking James Bond movies, nor are we secret agents," I snapped back. Oh my unicorns what is wrong with me. Evan just raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Oh that's just what you think, Ms Turner." I gave him my best confused look while trying not to look constipated.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

" All will be explained shortly if you will just come with me"

"And now why would I do that Mr. I-think-I'm-cool-because-I-say-my-name-like-James-Bond" he gives me his best unimpressed look, "plus you could be a rapist or murder looking for your next victim for all I know."

"If I promise that no harm will come to you at all will you come with me?" I hesitated. What the fuck was I thinking, I shouldn't be even thinking about this. "Come on what do you have to lose?"

He was right what did I have to lose. The answer nothing.

"Nothing" He smiled has I took his outstretched hand and hoped into the van. My last thought before entering, I really hope this will not explode in my face, so darn it all to hell.


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