Chapter 6: Movies and Bunk Bed Night

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Guys I changed my mind, the new picture is who I think I want to play Evan, however I'm going to let you choose. Do you want the first guy I had or this one? I am leaning towards number 1, but you tell me what you think.

     I walked into the gym and tore my tank top off so I was just left in my sports bra that came down to my belly button. There was no point in wearing it if it was mostly going to get blood on it anyways. I was not self conscious about my body either. Many times I had to flirt with guys to get information and so I had grown pretty confident. I had abs but they weren't the kind that make you cringe because they don't look right, no offense to people who have them, cause damn that would take a lot of work.

     I was now in just shorts and a sports bra that covered part of my stomach, and was walking over to the mats in the center of the room. I bounced up and down on my feet to get my blood flowing a ready. Man I was pissed, and couldn't wait to take some built up anger out. Everyone had filled into the gym now and the boys, including Alex, were lined up against the wall. Ashley was making her way over to the mats and was wearing even less clothes then me. Her sports bra showed a lot of cleavage and her shorts were like a pair of underwear that was meant to be a second layer of skin. She was also swaying her hips, probably to capture the guys attention, but to me she just looked like a drunk elephant.

     Don't get me wrong, I wasn't jealous what so ever. I know that I am away better person then her in many ways, and don't feel threatened by her. Someone just needed to put this bitch in her place, and I was happy to be the person to do that.

     "Ten bucks says that Bree takes her out in under 5 minutes." I heard Marvin call out. I also saw what look like a flash of irritation flash across Ashley's face.

     "You're on, but I say under 3 minutes." This time it was Conner who spoke and I saw him and Marvin shaking hands.

     "Just try not to ruin her face to much Bree, she is part of our distraction plan now." Ryan called out at me while smirking.

     "Oh I never would have guessed" I called back towards the boys. The I turned to Ashley "hmm, whatever could your distraction technic be, I wonder." I rubbed my finger on my chin mockingly and said it load enough for everyone to hear, which earned a laugh from everyone except the bitch.

     Ashley sneered back at me "at least I never had to worry about getting dumped at prom." At the mention of what happened back in high school I saw Alex freeze up, and everyone went silent.

     "Oh, I'm really going to enjoy kicking your ass" I got ready in my fighting stance, but then a voice stopped me.

     "Bree, are you really sure you want to do this?" I looked straight at the guy who I hadn't spoken to in three years.

"You did not just fucking say that to me. Those are the first words you want to say to me after three years. Well you know what Alex, screw you. Also the names Aubrey, Agent Aubrey Turner, only my friends and loved ones get to call me Bree." I turned back to Ashley, I was infuriated at the fact that Alex thought I was some weakling who couldn't handle herself. Once again I got ready in fighting stance and Ashley did the same.

"Look, Bree, Aubrey I really am sorr-" Alex started to say.

"Hey man, I think that Bree just basically told you to shut the fuck up right now." Evan said cutting Alex off. The boys just glared at one another before Conner and Ryan stepped in between them.

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