Chapter 12: Besties Again?

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So I'm guessing you guys all saw the new awesome cover. I absolutely love it, and it was done by LovemeLovemenotAG So thank you and this chapter is for you.

Also sorry that this was a shorter chapter. It was mostly just to get more info out there. Anyways enjoy.

" So why don't you tell me what the hell is going on here." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

      Falcon had brought us all into a bigger room with a few couches. I was the only one not sitting, instead I was pacing across the room.

       "Aubrey dear, why don't you take a seat." Falcon says gesturing to the open seat.

       "Why don't you kiss my ass." I snapped back, "also how many times have I told you not to call me dear?"

      I looked at Falcon and saw a small disapproving look quickly pass over his face. I sighed and stopped pacing leaning against the wall. I've never been much of a sit still person, so this was the best that Falcon was going to get.

      "Let me start at the beginning," Falcon started after noticing that I had stopped pacing. "After the things that happened with you and Alexander, we decided that the best course of action would be to dispose of him. He had been and agent for this company since birth. Alexander's parents died as agents when he was very young so he grew up here."

     "Falcon, just get to the point already. We already know all of this." Evan ground out with me agreeing.

"I know that you guys know, but your new partners don't. I think that the deserve a little bit of an explanation." Agent Falcon said before continuing. "Anyways, some of the agents here disagreed with the decision of killing Alexander. After all he had been a great friend to many of us before going rouge. We found out later, that a few more of our agents had decided to go rouge along with him. They helped him escape. We didn't find out that he was alive until a few months later."

"And we're you planning on ever telling us that he as alive?" I hear Conner spit out.

Falcon sighed before saying, "no, not unless need be. We know that him being alive would have kept you all from doing your job. Maybe after this rouge problem was fixed we would let you go after him. You all have to understand that I didn't want you getting hurt. I know what all that monster took away from you, and I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to get over it if he did something again. I should I have known that he would be a part of this. I am truly sorry for keeping you guys in the dark, but we need your help more then ever now.

I sighed before beginning to pace again. "We need to come up with a plan. I say that we go to the casino that we were told about and see if we can find out anymore information."

Before anyone else could put in a thought I heard a question that I was praying wouldn't come up.

"What did this Alexander guy do that is so bad, beside you know going rouge agent and all?" Ashley asked as Alex nodded along with her.

No one said a word, we all just looked at each other. I froze remember the awful thing that we had all silently agreed on never speaking about. Alex and Ashley were starting at us in confusion before I finally opened mr mouth to speak, but was unable to come up win the words. I tried again and this time it worked, "let's just stick with the facts. He is a very bad man, who killed some very good people. He is not afraid to hurt anyone. Wives, husbands, brothers, sister or children. This time, we are going to make sure he dies and stays dead."


After our big talk with Falcon, we all decided that it was best if we did go to the casino tonight to see what else we could find out. The guys were all together getting ready, and me and Ashley were up in my room getting ready.

    I was wearing a black v-neck dress that went down to mid thigh. It was like a second skin but not to showy. The v part had a silver lace on the edge. I had paired with a silver necklace and heels.

    Ashley was wearing the same dress as me, except it was a very dark purple. And instead of the lace part of the v-neck being silver, it was gold. She obviously paired with gold pumps and a pair of gold dangly earrings. We had helped each other get ready. We both knives strapped to our thighs, and small hand guns in a secret part of our gold and silver clutches.

     Believe it or not me and Ashley used to be best friends. That was until the middle of junior year. She was walking home one day when she had gotten mugged. There were three guys, and they did some pretty awful things to her. She never told me what exactly, but it wasn't hard to figure out. I caught her hurting her self one day and so I told her parents. I mean what else was I supposed to do. I loved her in the best friend kinda way, we were practically sisters and I was just trying to help her. Of course she didn't see it that way. She was convinced I told everyone about what happened, and that's where the whole us stopped being friends happened. 

     I was so wrapped up in my thought, that I almost didn't hear what Ashley said next, "Bree? Can we talk?" I was surprised and I'm sure that she could see it. "I just want to start over. I mean we were practically sisters and then we just weren't anymore. After you left senior year, and no one could find you I felt so bad. I know what I did was horrible, and I understand if you can't ever forgive me but please think about it. This is no excuse for what I put you through after we stopped being friends, but you have to understand. When you told my parents, I thought you were out to get me. I mean I was a mess, I wasn't thinking straight. I understand now that you were just trying to help me. So please, please can we start over?" Ashley looked at me. I could tell that she meant every word and honestly I had missed her. I mean I'm teamed up with all guys, and while that might be fun sometimes you just need a girl to talk to.

     "I'm willing to try and be friends again Ash, but you did really hurt me so it might take a while to fully recover." I told Ashley. She deserved to know the full truth.

       Ashley squealed before jumping up and giving me huge hug. "I missed you so much these last few years. I'm sorry if I was a totally bitch earlier too. I'm so happy."

     "Careful Ash, you wouldn't want us to ruin our makeup now would you?" I tease her. We were already acting like best friends again.

      Just then we heard thudding noises coming towards my room, and the door flung open.

     Ryan stood there panting while everyone else filled into my now cramped room. "What happens? We heard screaming." Ryan said between breaths.

     Ashley squealed again making us all cringe, "me and Bree are going to be besties again!"

     They all just gave us a strange look before shaking their heads.

     "Well since it looks like we are all ready, why don't we get this show on the road." Conner said as we all cleared out of my room.

      Well this was certainly going to be a very interesting night, and probably mission as well.


Well what do you guys think? Do you agree that Bree should give Ashley another chance?

As always comment you thoughts, questions, and concerns.

You guys are the best.

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