Chapter 5: You, Me, Gym, Now.

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I was thinking of having him play Evan. What do you think?
I stormed out of Falcon's telling my boys that I would meet them downstairs by our rides. After I had revealed who Alex and Ashely were, and how I knew them, everyone in the room stiffened up. All the boys knew what high school was like for me, and what Alex and Ashley had done to me. I had looked over at Falcon and he head nodded at me telling me that it was okay for me to head out. Before that however, he had broken the sad news to me that since we were a group team now, we would all be living back at the boys and my place. I mean our house was plenty big enough, we had rooms in the double digits, a small movie theater, a gym, and indoor and outdoor pool, and a hot tub. The sad part was, that meant I had to see Ashley's and Alex's faces every single fucking day.

"Nice rides" I heard Ashley say in a seductive voice. I rolled my eyes and tried not to puke. I turned around and saw her following Evan, who was doing his best to get rid of her. I also saw the rest of the guys trying not to laugh at Evan, while simultaneously giving Alex the cold shoulder.

They all were coming to where we had parked our motercycles, all of us had specialized spots with our names on them. I was assuming that they were going to follow us home since they didn't know where we lived. "What took you guys so long, get your asses over here." I said mostly talking to Marvin, Conner, Ryan, and Evan.

     "I'll put my ass anywhere you want it, Bree" Marvin joked while giving me an over exaggerated wink. I laughed and saw all the other guy roll their eyes, except for Evan and Alex who looked like they had stiffened up. Ok that was a little weird.

      "Cmon guys lets go home, I'll lead they way and the rest of y'all can follow." I said finally addressing Alex and Ashley a little bit.

    "What are you riding?" Sneered Ashley who was acknowledging me now.

     "She's riding with me" Evan replied before I could.

     "Thanks Ev but I think I'm going to go out on my own for a bit, on my own motercycle" I said putting a slight emphasis on the last part of my sentence.

     "No , you're not Bree" Evan said pointing toward my precious baby, also known as my motercycle. As I looked over I saw that some idiot had left a broken bottle by my parking space, and my ride now had a flat.

     "No, my baby. Why does the world fucking hate me so much. Someone is going to get their fucking face punched in." I ran to my baby to see how bad the damage was. I was beyond upset, I was furious, this was just not my day.

     "Ok, how about we get back to the house, and then everyone can do some sparing to get a feel for each other, and of course get some emotions out" Ryan the oh so clever one,who knew I was going to hurt someone soon, said.

      "Fine" I grabbed my helmet from my bike and walked over to Evan's who already was on and ready to go. I hopped on behind Evan and wrapped my arms around his stomach. I could feel his abs through his shirt, but we had been in more intimate situations than this. I looked back and saw everyone getting into or on their vehicles, I also saw Alex, who was clenching his jaw and looking at where my hands were wrapped around Evans waist. I felt Evan hit the gas, and we were on our way home.


Evan and I had gotten home first, since we knew a short cut, and I had hopped into the shower to go think. We all know that when we need a place to think, the shower is always the best. I had decided that while working on this case I would spend as little time with Alex and Ashley as possible. Obviously I would have to talk to them sometimes, but I would have to be happy with the fact that could beat both their asses if necessary.

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