Chapter 8: Scars, Levi??

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     "Take your damn shirt off you little whore!" I screamed at Marvin, who sulkily tore off his shirt. He was now down to his boxers and his socks while I still had my t-shirt, bra, and underwear on. We had been going at it for a while, and I was winning, while Marvin was in second place. All the guys just had their boxers on and Ashley was only in her bra and panties.

     The rules to strip truth or dare were simple. Everyone has four items of clothing, (girls-shirt, shorts, bra, panties and guys- socks, pants, boxers, shirts) and when you are forced to take the last one off you are done. You can't dare people to take off their clothes or do anything sexual, and if you don't follow through on the good dare or truth you have to take off a piece of clothing.  I returned my attention to the game, and it was Ashley's turn.

      "Aubrey truth or dare?" She had a smirk on her face, but I wasn't falling for any of her shit.

      "I'm not a bland sandwich, so dare." Me and Marvin had this thing, that is someone chose truth we would yell bland sandwich at the top of our lungs. The thing is that when you say it you have to hold the vowel for a longer period of time. Finally everyone got sick of it, so they dared me and Marvin to not say it again for the rest of the game unless it was about our self.

"I dare you to kiss Alex, that is if he wants to kiss someone like you." Suddenly everything went silent. Everyone was looking between Ashley and me. Alex shifted uncomfortably and opened his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it.

I peeled off my shirt and started straight at Ashley "I know his lips have touched your, and I'd rather not get some kind of disease so no." But as I said this I noticed that everyone was staring at my stomach.

"Aubrey how did you get those scars?" Alex was staring right at my stomach and I flinched at the memory of how they got there. I looked around the room and saw that Evan had a very pained look on his face, and I can understand why. We both lost something the day I got these scars. My boys were used to it and never mentioned it, but Alex didn't.

"None of your business." I replied as confident as I could.

"How about a movie guys? I feel like watching something scary." I was saved by Conner who I sent a quick nod to. I mean I hadn't even talked about what had happened with my real team yet, so it would have sucked to talk about it with others.

"Ya, movie time" Evan said halfheartedly as he sent a sad smile my way. I know we were both thinking the same thing, we just couldn't bring ourselves to talk about it. Everyone gathered up their clothes and put them back on and we snuggled up for a movie. We decided to start with cheesy comedy then go to a horror movie.

We were about half way into the first movie when the doorbell rang.

"Are we expecting someone?" I asked confused as to who it could be. Hardly anyone knew where we were located and that's the way we all liked it.

"I'll go see who it is." Evan said getting up.

"Try not to get shot this time, ok" I smirked at Evan who rolled his eyes back at me, I also heard one of the guys laugh and try to cover it up with a cough. "Oh and Ev, here" I tossed Evan one of my knives from under my pillow. This time the guys couldn't hold in their laughter and their laughs echoed off the walls has Evan glared at them and walked away.

"What happened?" Alex looked between all of us who had fallen to the floor in fits of laughter.

       "Let's just say Evan, assassins and knives don't go very well together." Ryan said since the rest of us couldn't stop laughing.

        "Aubrey look who's here." I heard a grumpy Evan call out. When I looked up I couldn't believe my eyes.

      "Levi" I squealed. I jumped up and ran over to the guy standing next to Evan.

     "Oh great, Levi's here." I heard Ryan mutter to Evan under his breath. I dint get what their problem with Levi was, so I chose to ignore their comment.

      "And who are you" I heard Alex practically growl out. Geez he has issues. Both him and Evan were currently glaring at Levi who had me wrapped up in his arms.

      "I'm Aubrey's best friend, and ex boyfriend." I could hear Levi getting protective and I gave him a slight squeeze in warning.

"I'm Alex, I went to high school with Aubrey." Alex crossed his arms over his chest and flexed trying to intimidate Levi.

I heard Levi take a sharp intake of breath oh crap I thought. "You mean the same fucking Alex who made my Aubrey fall head over heels for, only to break her kind and loving heart and then proceed to fucking stomp on it. The same Alex who almost destroyed my Aubrey. The one who made her life a fucking hell. That same fucking Alex?" I saw everyone in the rom tense up, you never really knew what Levi would do when he's mad.

"Vi, its ok, I'm ok. Please we were having movie and bunk bed night. Let's all just finish the movie then go to bed and talk in the morning ok?" I spared a glance at Alex and saw a guilty expression on his face while Ashley just looked smug.

"Ya, find whatever." Levi said calming down.

"Ok since we have another person one more person has to share bunks, and since me and Ev are already sharing I think Ashley and Alex can share as long as the keep their clothes on." I looked at Alex and I felt like he had something else to say, but then thought better of it. Evan shot a smug look towards Levi and nodded towards the bed, while Levi just scowled at him.

It had been a long day so we all crawled into bed and turned off the lights completely forgetting about the movie. I snuggled closer to Evan as he crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh and by the way Bree, I'm calling the game a tie since we never really finished." I heard Marvin call out from his bunk.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I responded, and was rewarded with sighs from everyone at our immaturity. That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep, safe in Evan's arms.


Guys I'm so sorry I haven't posted in forever. Please forgive me.

I hope you guys enjoyed. Tell me what you think.

You guys are the best.

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