Chapter 9: Time to go Clubbing.

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I was the first one up. That's normally how it worked in our house. If it wasn't me up first it was Ryan, he was up to cook breakfast, and I either tried to help or just watch and talked with him. The only times I didn't get up first was when I was injured, sick, or hungover.

     Since I was up first, I decided to get a little revenge on my boys for the water thing that happened a while back. I went and grabbed my water guns and went into the bathroom. When I felt like the water was freezing enough I filled up the guns. I heard someone in the room start to get up, so I had to act fast. Ryan started to get up, and I grabbed him by the hand and tugged him into the bathroom.

     "Don't you dare make a sound." I whispered threateningly at him.

     "What the hell are you doing?" Ryan whispered back.

     "Getting back the boys for dumping water on me last time." I answers continuing to fill up the guns.

    "Didn't you get them back by putting three bottles of Wilbur's Revenge hot sauce on their ribs?" Ryan asked as I handed him on of the guns.

    "Yes, but that didn't affect Conner at all, and Marvin was the only one who passed out so it wasn't that successful. Oh and you get to cover Conner just point and shoot at the crotch. GO, GO, GO" I screamed and jumped back into the room.

     I first ran over and emptied the whole gun out on Marvin crotch who screamed and bolted up. Next I ran over to Evan and did the same, he had somewhat the same reaction as Marvin except he yelled "what the fuck is going on," instead of screaming. I waited to hear Conners scream or yell but it never came. I slowly looked over and saw that Conner and Ryan were fighting for the gun.

     "SHIT" I yelled and tried to hide behind Levi who had gotten up. Conner, Marvin, and Evan were all heading in my direction.

     "You are so dead Bree." I heard Conner say. "You know I don't like being woken up."

     "Technically, Ryan woke you up." I said trying to figure a way out of there.

     "Why do I have a feeling you threatened him?" Evan said with a smirk.

     What, I did no such thing this time." I said offended, "Tell 'em Ry"

     Ryan smirked at me evilly "oh she totally threatened me into doing it"

     By now I was trapped and Evan, Conner, and Marvin charged. Evan grabbed my hands while Conner grabbed my legs. "Oh, when I get back Ryan, you are so dead. Do you get it D-E-A-D, dead."

    "Since she loves water so much, why don't we see how much she likes the outdoor pool." Conner said and Evan laughed agreeing.

     "Don't you two dare do it." I yelled, but I was to late. We were already outside, and everyone was behind us.

"On the count of three" Evan said, and they both started to swing me back and forth. "One"

"Guys last chance, I swear if you do this it means war" I screamed at them.

Levi, Ryan, and Marvin were chanting "throw her in, throw her in" and Alex was doing his best not to laugh. Ashley just glared since she wasn't the center of attention for once, but if that girl wanted to trade spots with me she totally could.

"Two" Conner yelled, and before I knew it I was submerged underwater. What Evan hadn't realized was that while he was busy tormenting me, I had gotten a good hold onto him and dragged him down into the water with me.

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