Chapter 4: Dont get your panties in a twist.

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The picture is of Marvin, you will find out who he is in this chapter.

3 years later.

"Aubrey, get up." Marvin said in a sing song voice. It had been three years since I had agreed to join the agency. I had learned all the boys name, Mr. Minty was Marvin, Mr. Buffy was Conner, and Mr. Grumpy was Ryan. We were the best team the agency had, I was the only girl, and then there were the four boys. "C'mon, Bree, get up the boss wants to see us."

"Go away, Marvin, my hangover is killing me." I pulled the covers over my head to block out the light that Marvin had turned on.

"It's your own fault for drinking so much, don't make me get Conner to get the bucket of ice water like last time." Ya, that's right. Last time when I had refused to get up, they had gotten Conner and Evan to get a huge bucket of ice water, and dump it on me. "Plus you don't want to be late for the boss, do you?"

"Well you can tell Falcon that he can go shove it, because I'm going to be late if I want to be late." I got away with a lot of stuff, because I was one of the best agents that my boss, Agent Falcon, had. I was a great fighter and the only ones that had ever beaten me was, Evan and sometimes Conner, but he was a lot bigger then me, and with the other guys on my team we had always called a draw.

I heard the intercom in my room crackle to life, and agent Falcon's voice filled my room. "Ms. Turner, get your team and get into my office. Just like you don't enjoy getting up this early in the morning, I don't enjoy seeing your face this early in the morning, but I need you here."

"Hardy har har, your so funny. Did someone not get laid last night? We will be there in around and hour, so don't get your panties in a twist." I replied I heard Falcon's laughter through the intercom, and the surprised gasps of what sounded like others in the room with him. The click of the intercom sounded and I slowly got out of bed. Marvin had left to go get ready so I was alone with my thoughts for now.

Great, by the sounds of things, Falcon was putting us with another team. Even though we were the best, the boss wanted us to have all the backup we needed for big cases. Normally the other team was a group of two or three people that did small jobs. I didn't like working with other teams, it led to them know stuff about my team and I didn't trust them. Evan and me were the team leaders, so we were responsible for our team. I loved them all like brothers, but me and Evan were a little different. Us two were always in the field together so we were really close, we did most of the undercover things and the fighting. Conner was our guy who made other guys talk and was our backup/distraction at times, Marvin was our computer geek which meant he did all the hacking, and last but not least was Ryan who was our mastermind. Don't get me wrong, we all knew how to do some parts of each other's jobs but, we each stuck to what we were better at.

I started to walk downstairs to our kitchen where I could already hear all the other guys. I was dressed in my black pants, black tank top, black leather jacket, and black boots. If you haven't guessed by now, my favorite color was black. I had my gun in the waistband of my pants, and a knife in each boot. I never left unprepared, I had learned that the hard way. I was no longer the shy nerdy girl who got pushed around. I was the confident, badass fighter who was known throughout the whole agency. I had changed so much from 18 to 21. I had more muscles, I kept my hair longer, I had an era of confidence and power around me now, and I was smoking hot.

"You're up, finally." Conner said as I entered the kitchen.

"She was getting her beauty sleep, and trying to get rid of that hangover I bet." Ryan said winking at me. I glared at him, after all he was the one who had me drink his new concoction that he whipped up.

"Aubrey maybe you should go to bed earlier, that beauty sleeps not working to well." Marvin said referring to the first part of Ryan's sentence.

"Oh, fuck off all of you. Gosh living with guys can be such a pain in the ass sometimes." I walked towards Evan who was cooking bacon and stole one from the pan.

"I can be a pain in your ass anytime, just tell me when and where." Evan said as he flicked me on the arm, for talking his bacon.

I slapped him on the back of the head as I passed by, "See this is what I'm talking about, anyways lets go, I don't want Falcon anymore pissed at me than he already is." I walked to the door, and grabbed the keys for my motercycle. All of us had one, we also each had a car for when we needed it, but I preferred my motorcycle just like the rest of the guys.


We arrived at headquarters with five minutes left to get to Falcon's office. "Guys by the way I think Falcon is joining us up with another team again." I heard groans come from all of the guys, they hated being paired with other teams just as much as I did.

As we approached Falcon's office I heard voices from inside, they sounded familiar but I just couldn't place my finger on where from. I guess I would be finding out soon, I just hoped it wasn't a team that we had worked with before, all of them had sucked.

I knocked on the door and put my best bored face on, I saw all the guys do the same. Like I said we were the best team out there, and almost everyone in the agency knew who we were. We had found out that if we did anything but look bored and uninterested in the people we worked with, things went a lot better, and everyone knew we liked doing things the hard way. I heard a bold come in, from the boss and I opened the door. I started to walk in then suddenly faltered, I was not expecting these two people to ever be here. I actually never thought I'd see them again. I saw all my guys staring at me, with questing looks in their eyes. I also felt Evan squeeze my hand which he was holding asking me if I was alright. I merely nodded as I saw the two people I hated most in the world turn around and look at us. I saw no recognition in their eyes, and I was pissed now. They had forgotten about me, the girl who's life the had made a living hell. Well I was no longer the same girl, and I was going to show them that.

"Did you miss me Falcon?" I asked putting a smirk on my face, and ignoring the two people sitting in front of me.

Falcon rolled his eyes before replying, "Ah, Ms. Turner, you just brighten up my day." His voice was thick with sarcasm.

"I know you just love me" I say winking at him. All of the boys laugh seeing that this is just our usual way of talking with each other, but the two people in the chairs look back and for between me and Agent Falcon strangely.

"Well let's get down to business." The boss man says getting serious, I nod for him to continue. "I am teaming you guys up again for a new job. Some agents from our agency have gone rouge and have taken evidence, drugs, money, and most importantly information from us. I want you guys to work together to stop them. Now let me introduce you guys." We all take in the information, and he tells the other two people the boys names introducing us one by one. See people know about us and what we do, but they don't know our names. We are known as the Five Badasses team or the Five BA. I'm last and he finally gets to me,

"That's alright Falc, you don't need to introduce them to me. I already know who they are, just say my name and I'm sure they'll know too."

"How do you know them Bree?" Marvin asks me. "The only other agents we know are the ones we've worked with and I'm pretty sure we haven't worked with these guys before."

"Because," I say turning back to the number one boy and girl I hate the most. "I, Aubrey Turner, went to the same high school as them. Isn't that right Alex and Ashley?"


What do you think of that? Ashley and Alex are back, and Aubrey and her team have to work with them.

Guys I have no idea who should play Evan help me out. You guys can also give suggestions for other characters too.

Thanks, you guys are the best.

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