Dear 'Love', You're Complicated [SpainxReaderxRomano] ②

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Second entry for 'love comes in small packages'!! (all prompts used for this go to SnowXxXBlossem

You don't really come into this part much :'D

✓ You're not sorry, you're just sorry you got caught ✓

Walking down the familiar road, he whistled a tune lazily holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand. It was still very dark out, way before anybody would think about getting up at this ungodly hour. But Romano thought it was best at this time where nobody could see what he was doing. He was the one secretly giving you the gifts as he is your secret admirer.

Then nearing your house, he stopped every noise he could in fear that you were a light sleeper and find him there. Quickly and quietly he set the flowers down and turned to leave. But a rustling in the bushes caused him to stop in his tracks. Getting frightened, he tried to reassure himself by saying something brave. Almost.

"Y-you bastard. Show y-yourself! I know somebodies there!"

Suddenly a tall figure of a man shot up and made Romano jump back and let out a muffled scream.

"So, Lovino. You're the one giving [Name] all these presents," the man accusingly - but somehow playfully - said.

"I-I'm sorry!" Romano cried falling to his knees and held his hands up praying for the guy not to hurt him, "I'll never do it again! Just please, don't kill me!"

"Fosososo! Why Romano, why would I kill you?"

The Italian froze in mid plea. Scared, wide eyes turned into narrow angry ones as he figured out who it was.

"Damn Tomato Bastard! Why are you here?!" Lovino said flustered.

"To figure out who comes here everyday to give [Name] gifts," the Spaniard said in a non-caring, cheery voice. "Now I see that you like her, too"

"Yeah? So what? Just shut up-- Wait. 'Like her, too?' Don't tell me you like her, too." Romano's dreams seemed to have crashed. Knowing that Spain likes you means that there's no way you would say 'no' to him.

"Si, I do. But I don't plan on getting her love easy."

"What? What do you mean?" Romano asked suspiciously.

"Now that I know you like her, too, I would like to start a contest. See who can get [Name] to love them first," Spain challenged.

"Contest?" Why would I be stupid enough to do that?" Romano now asked irritated. Spain shrugged.

"I like a challenge, and I think it'd be fun to go against sweet Lovino~."

Romano hesitated. What did he really have to lose by doing this? Getting his heart ripped out of his chest and shredded to pieces as he watched the one girl he love be with Antonio; no big deal, right?

"Fine. I'm going to win you bastard."


Aww poor Romano is jealous of sexy Spain... ^^ (don't worry Lovino, your smexy, too!)

What do you think of this so far? I think there will be 4 more to this, so I hope you do like it.

Grr, mah parents are making me get off ;u; so see you later! So if anything is wrong tell me!

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