♮ Captured ♮ France ♮

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To see it for the first time.... ReaderxFrance. Fluff with slight!crack. Picture #24. I had one before this, but then at last minute I went for this one :) And I am back to naming the titles into sentences....


[Name's] head rested against the car window occasionally bouncing from the bumps on the road. Jet-lag drooped her eyes as Francis drove still chipper as ever. He irritated her at most times, especially earlier when he just dumped a surprise on her on such short notice.

But it did help when he said that he already had all her things packed, but grew suspicious when he wouldn't let her see what clothes he chose from her closet.

The scenery that she saw through her lidded eyes was exciting and a nice change from the small down that she lived in for her whole life. She did travel, but never this far.

“How much longer till we get to the place?” [Name] whined.

Francis chuckled and estimated the time in his head. “Just another hour. But don't worry, if you enjoy the scenery the time will pass quicker.”

[Name] must of fell asleep because it felt like it was 5 minutes the next time she was stirred awake.

“[Name], c'mon, we are here,” he nudged her and helped her get out of the car.

She just grunted a 'nnnghh!' keeping her eyes closed wanting more sleep, but put all her weight on Francis as he dragged her somewhere.

“You are so much nicer when you are barely awake,” Francis smirked.

“Shut up.”

The loud steps against gravel soon turned into soft sounds of something else. A second sound came to her senses that she weren't familiarized with.

She only got the will to open her eyes was when they finally stopped. The sight and the gasp that escaped her lips was more than a wake up call.

Right in front of her eyes was an ocean. The big and blue ocean. The whole beach was amazing with the sand and everything!

“Do you like it, mon cher?” Francis smiled.



“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!--” [Name] suddenly started punching him in the arm.

“[N-Name]! W-why are you doing that?” Francis cried and tried to protect himself. “I thought you would like this!”

“Because you are making me cry!” [Name] sniffed and wiped away a tear.

“How did I make you cry?” Francis furrowed his eyebrows.

“The ocean it too beautiful,” [Name] grumbled.

Francis felt the sudden urge to laugh at her strange logic but refrained himself with just a smile.

“You might want to save a few of those tears. I might propose to you here later.” He said with a wink.

Her sobs were cut short to stare at him frozen.

She started to continue punching him again.

“Stupid! Now I can't enjoy the ocean with that on my mind!”


/I start my own crying

I thought this was going to turn out a little bit better but since I made the reader a tsundere, it was hard to put anything else! xc

But really the meaning to the story is supposed to be about a girl who sees the ocean for the first time. It didn't really turn out as emotional as I wanted it.....

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