☰The Opening of Ends☰ Male!Hungary

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My first entry to BRSmiku's contest Engulfed in Darkness! At first I was going to have a Peeta drabble but then I lost sight of how it was going to be and discarded it. Maybe I can think of another Hunger Games drabble :) Implied!PrussiaxReaderxMale!Hungary. Angst. Words: 319.


☾True love is only for fools☽

Was she really that foolish? To believe in such a thing non-existent to her?

Not really. But that was how the cards were dealt for her. Life just didn't favor her in the least.

Being a cheerful and out-going young lady, Life threw her a handsome chap with deep crimson eyes and each became highly interesting in the other. It might seem like it was a nice gift, but he had a short attention span. Granted with the few weeks of seemingly chaste kisses and innocent flirting growing into the intense passion, once he figured she couldn't give anything else, he gave her the cliché ending of 'I didn't really like you. Sorry' with no regret.

She was left confused and wandering on a broken path walked on before by many others until she stumbled upon another.

She fell into the hands of someone who said would make her feel happy again. Daniel made the same promises and she fell for the same trick. He was nice, and kind. His handsome features made him look gentler than the nature that was actually inside of him. Her heart was stitched but not fully mended. If she did not get away from this soon, nothing else would be able to put it back together.

As it was different actors in the same scene.


"Hello, [Name]? I'm home~."

Ignoring the lipstick stained collar with a tight smile, she greeted him and pecked him on the cheek. He did promise her he would protect her. To never hurt her.

He did.

He did.

She caged her own mind, only to see what she wanted. Repeating the empty promises in her head again and again.

He did.

He said he promised.

"I came straight here to see that beautiful face of yours." He placed a warm palm in her hand.

It felt cold to her.

So did the kiss when their lips met.

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