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            “Amelia, its ok. Calm down.” I hear someone say. “No! No, stop!” I scream. “Amelia, wake up babes, it’s me!” the voice says again. “No, Jake!” I scream as I bolt up from my bed. I look around to see where I am and see that I am in my room. I see Dakota in front of me, holding my shoulders. “Amelia…are you ok?” he asks me in a caring voice. I shake my head no. “Come here babes.” He says as he opens his arms up. I slowly inch closer to him as he wraps his arms around me as I quickly burry my face in his chest. I start to cry. Dakota begins to stroke my hair in an attempt to soothe my cries. “Babes it’s ok. Don’t cry. I’m here.”

Dakota’s POV

            This is the third time this week she’s wakening up screaming for Jake. This has really messed her up. I’m glad schools over for the summer. Maybe this will help Em heal. I can’t stand seeing her like this. It hurts me so much to see my Amelia so broken. She’s just isn’t herself anymore. I feel as though I’m responsible for her suffering. I only came to see her because Oliver told me how sad she was when she broke up with Jake. I just wanted to help. Oliver and I made a plan to get them back together, even though I didn’t want to. I’ve been out of her life since she was 14 because I started to like her. I didn’t want her with me. She doesn’t deserve me. She deserves someone way better, like Jake. My life hasn’t been like hers. Perfect. She deserves it. A perfect life for a perfect girl. I look down at the now sleeping Amelia. Her head is on my chest and her hand rests on my stomach, gripping my shirt. I never wanted her to feel like this. I have and I hated myself for it. I look at the clock on my phone- 3:15 A.M it reads. I couldn’t possible go back to sleep. I lay with Em for a while longer. I kiss the top of her head and slowly slip away from her. I cover her up and tuck her in. I take one last look at my sleeping Amelia. I bend down and kiss her on her cheek. “I love you babes.” I whisper quietly to her. I walk to the door and close it just a little. I turn and make my way down stairs.

SOOOOO HERE IS THE SEQUEL!! I hope you all liked the first chapter. Sorry that it is so short. I promise that I will try hard to update long parts! PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT. The picture on the side is of Dakota. I need your guys' opinion of what you think of the new chapter! Thanks for reading and I shall see you soon! XOX

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