My Babes

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~One Week Later~

            “I’ll be back Em, don’t worry.” I hear David tell Amelia. I peek around the corner and see them hugging. David then kisses Em’s cheek. He opens the door and leaves. Amelia turns to walk towards the kitchen. I quickly go back to what I was doing. I feel a burning jealousy for David at this point. What if she…and David…and…UGG!! I suppose I understand. They are the only thing the other has left of Jake. “Hey Dakota!” I hear Amelia say in an all too cheery voice. “Hi.” I say as I push past her to head up to my room. I slam my door shut, pick up my IPod and plug it into my stereo. I blast Dubstep up to its loudest possible. I plop down on my bed and put my hands behind my head. “What the hell is wrong with me?!” I think out loud. Why am I so jealous?! I promised myself that I wouldn’t let my feelings interfere with Amelia’s life. She deserved so much more. I lay there for about an hour listening to my music and thinking when I hear a knock at my door. I don’t answer. I hear it open and see that it is Amelia. “What’s wrong?” she asks over my music. I get up and shrug. She walks in and turns down my stereo. “Why did you do that?!” I yell. “Tell me why you’re mad.” She states firmly. “I’m not mad babes.” I say calmly. She laughs and says, “Yes you are! You always turn your music up when you’re mad.” I look down at the floor. She’s right. Am I really mad? And if I am, why am I? Amelia comes and sits next to me. “What happened?” she asks in her sweet voice. “You! That’s what happened!” I yell. She sits there in shock. I then realize what I said. “Babes, I didn’t mean…” I start. “Don’t call me babes.” She yells as she turns and runs out of the room. I run after her. “Amelia, I didn’t mean what I said!” I yell after her. I see her run out of the house in tears. I stand in the doorway like an idiot. I close the door and slowly make my way up to my room. I grab my phone and call Em. It goes straight to voicemail. I throw my phone on the ground and just sit there, on my bed, completely numb. I just lost Em. This is why I didn’t want to let myself love her, because I knew I would do this. I hear my phone ring and I instantly jump up and grab it. I unlock my phone eagerly to see if it is Em. It wasn’t. Hey, where’s Em? Says a text from Oliver. I text back saying, Uhh, we kind of had a fight and she left. Saying it to Oliver makes me sound like I hurt her…which I know I did. I decide that I should  probably quit mopping around. I need to find a way to make up with Em. I get another text from Oliver saying, Oh, ru ok? Em is with David and me. We saw her sitting in the park. Ugg she’s with David. BING! What where you guys fighting about? A second message reads. Well…I kind of say her and David hugging when you guys where leaving. I got jealous. I can’t believe I did this. This is all my fault. I go down the stairs and grab a cheese stick out of the fridge and a juice box. Why where you jealous? Reads Oliver’s latest text. Because you know I love her Oliver I just…can’t tell her. I send back. Ugg, why must this be so hard to talk about my feelings for Amelia yet I feel like I need her? On my way home. You need to talk to Em. She’s sad…really sad. My heart leaps with joy. I need to get her back. I quickly finish my cheese and run upstairs into some jeans and an under amour shirt. I hear a knock at my door. I am just about to open it when Amelia opens it. Her eyes are red and her face is tear stained. “Em, I am…” I start before she interrupts me. “Dakota…I didn’t mean what I said.” She says sadly. “Em, this isn’t your fault. It’s mine. I had no right to yell at you. You were just trying to help me.” I tell her. She lets out a small whimper before she leaps forward and wraps her arms around me as she buries her face in my chest. “Amelia, I am so sorry.” I say. I stroke her hair and burry my face in the side of her neck. “Call me babes.” She whispers. I pull her out of the hug. “What?” I ask her. “Call me babes.” She pleas. I smile at her and say, “Ok babes.” She smiles and says, “Promise me you won’t leave me.” “I promise babes, I will never leave you. Not ever.” I look down at her beloved face and do something that I know I shouldn’t have done. I lean forward and place my lips on her soft ones.

Heheheh! So what did you guys think??? Please COMMENT AND VOTE. Tell me what you guys think about Dakota and Amelia! Ohhhhh and tell me what you think is going to happen after the kiss!!! Well I will try to update more often if I am not too busy. Thank you guys for understanding!!

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