The Finding

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When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see that the TV is already on and that David and Oliver are already sitting on the couch. “Couldn’t sleep?” I ask. Both their heads turn to look at me. “No, we heard Em.” Says Oliver. “Is she ok?” David asks. “Yeah, I calmed her down.” I say. “Was it a bad dream?” “Yep.” I hear David sigh. I plop down next to David on the couch and close my eyes. “It’s only been a week since Jake…” I say. “I know. I hope this doesn’t go on any longer. I just hate seeing her like this.” Says Oliver. “Yeah.” David and I say in unison. “So, how was the doctor’s visit?” Oliver asks David. David’s face changes to something I don’t recognize. “Uhh, yeah, it was fine.” He stutters. We all turn our attention to the TV playing. It was Red Riding Hood. I really don’t pay any attention to the movie; all I think about is Amelia. She was really in love with him. I…I just can’t grasp my mind around it. My little Amelia was in love with Jake. I wonder if he…and she…SNAP OUT OF IT DAKOTA! I can’t let myself dwell on all this. I wanted Amelia to be happy and she was. That’s all I ever wanted for her. My thoughts were then interrupted by a ringing. Oliver looks at his phone and answers it. “Hello? Hi. Ummm, just watching TV. She’s asleep. No. Ok, bye.” David and I both look at Oliver for him to tell us who it was. “My mom. She was checking on Em.” He says. “You didn’t tell her about her nightmares?” asks David. “Nah, my mom would just want Em back home WAY more than she does now.” He says. “Oh.” David replies. We stay on the couch until we all get hungry. It was about 8 when we decided it was time to make breakfast. Oliver made the eggs, David made the cinnamon rolls, and I made the bacon. Yeah, that’s right! Football players can cook! When the food is about halfway done, I hear a small, frail voice ask, “Did you stay up?” All three of our heads whip around to see Amelia in an oversized shirt that hung off her shoulder, showing off part of her sports bra, shorts and Jake’s charm bracelet. “Yeah, kinda. We didn’t want to go back to sleep really, so we just watched TV until we were all hungry.” Says Oliver in a loving voice. “Oh…sorry.” She says. “It’s ok Em! We didn’t mind.” David says. She offers us a faint smile that we all return. She walks towards the refrigerator and grabs a water bottle and walks back up the stairs. I was about to follow her, but Oliver held me back. “Let her chill for a little, we can get her when the food’s ready.” I nod. Amelia loves bacon, especially when it’s crispy, so I try my best to make them perfect for her. After I succeed with only 5 burnt bacon strips, Oliver tells me to cut some strawberries and bananas. I cut a whole container of strawberries and 4 bananas to make smoothies. After I finish and put them into cups, I go upstairs to get Amelia. “Amelia, breakfast is ready!” I yell. I wait for her to respond, but instead I hear silence. “Amelia?” I call again. I go to her room and open the door. I find her bed made and clothes lain out. Her phone is on her charger. I pick it up and see a text from Crystal and Ryan and…Jake? I unlock her phone and look at the message. It reads: This phone has been inactive for a week. The number will be disconnected in 24 hours. I put her phone down and call her name again and again finding the same result as the first, silence. I look in her closet, her bathroom, and in both Oliver and David’s rooms. I find no sign of Amelia. I decide to check in my room. I open the door and fine it as I felt it to go calm Em down from her dream. I walk to my closet and check in there. Nothing. I walk to my bathroom and try to open the door, but find it locked. I push on it again and again until I just ran into it to make it open. When it does, I find Amelia on the floor.

OHHHHH SNAP!! COMMENT on what you think Amelia did and also tell me what you thought about this chapter. Please VOTE also cause you all are totally awesome. I will update Friday because I'm having a sleep over after the One Direction movie (YAYAYAYAYYA) so my friends will help me update. Thanks for reading and don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT! xox

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