Chapter Four

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It's Saturday. I'm heavily urging to get a text from Hunter. Is that bad? Am I weird? I really hope not. I need something to get it off my mind. A book? A movie? Anything? I decide on a movie. But what movie?
As I'm searching for movies, my phone vibrates. Please, oh please let that be him. Please. I get up and click on my screen. Facebook. Curse you, Facebook! I walk back over to the movies again. As I'm looking, my phone rings.

Hello heaven and green eyes, Angel with the gypsy curls, goodbye hopin and waitin, you're my someday gir-

"Hello?" I interrupt "Someday Girl", my ringtone.

"Hey honey it's dad. How are you?" My dad says.
"Good, I guess. What's up?"
"My dad pauses for a moment.
"I don't know how to tell you this." He's breathing hard.
"Dad, you're making me nervous. Please just tell me."
"He takes a good, long breath. Then starts speaking again.
"It's about your mother... She was in an accident."
"Well, what kind of accident?" I asked, breathing hard.
"Jess... A car accident." He said.
"Is she okay? I'm flying over. Tell me what happened!" I said, breathtakingly.
"Your mother was on her way to the grocery store to get milk and bread. She was about to turn into the store, when a semi crashed right through the car as it was turning in. I guess the driver wasn't looking. But anyways... This is really hard to tell you... But she didn't make it. The funeral is on Friday so you need to be here Thursday for the reception." He was crying. I could feel it in his voice.
We were silent for a moment.
"Well, do you need anything? Do you want me to come sooner?" I asked with sadness and concern.
"You can if you want to. Remember, your mother and I aren't the only victims in this. I'm sure you're just as heartbroken as I am." My dad says with a large amount of concern in his voice.
I'm crying now. I've got this sensation that's telling me to go soon. I don't know what it is, but I decide to go along with it.
"Well dad, I think I'm going to fly there tomorrow. I really think I need to come."
"Ok honey. I'll see you soon then. I love you."
The line is silent for a moment.
"I love you too, dad. I wish I could tell mom that."
My dad lets out a sympathetic sigh.
"Me too, Jess. Me too."

I spend the rest of the night crying. I'm so heartbroken, I forget about my date. Today has been the worst! I don't even realize that I forgot until I receive a text from hunter asking where I am.

H: Hey Jessie, where are you? We were supposed to meet at the movies tonight.

J: Omg I'm so sorry... I forgot. Can you come to my place? I'll explain everything if you're willing to listen. Today has been the worst for me.

H: Of course I'll come. You can always talk to me. I'll be there in 10 min.

J: Thank you so much. This means everything to me. You've no idea.

H: Glad I can help. See you soon.

When Hunter arrives, he sees my tear filled, baggy eyes and immediately sits me down and asks what's going on, so I explain everything.
Hunt... My dad called earlier with some bad news about my mom. She was on her way to the store and there was a semi. Well, this is really hard for me to say out loud, but as my mom turned into the parking lot of the store, the semi driver must've looked away for a moment because the semi went straight through my moms car. It killed her...hunt, she's...she's dead. She's gone..."
I buried my face in my knees.
"Jess, I don't know what to say..."
He wrapped his arms around me as I cried.
"You'll forgive me, right?"
"Jess, of course I'll forgive you. If it were my mom I'd be acting the same way, trust me. I'm here now. I'll help you get through the this."
I look at him with eyes filled with compassion.
"That means everything to me." There's a pause as I cry into his shoulder. "I'm flying to Louisiana tomorrow to see my dad and for the funeral on Thursday and Friday."
Hunter just keeps his arms around me for a long while.
"You need to get packed for your trip tomorrow. I can help you."

Fly With Her- A Hunter Hayes FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now