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14 Years Later Kylee's Point Of View
How has it been fourteen years since mon and dad got married? It feels like just yesterday she was introduced into my life. However it was difficult recovering from what that creature had done to me as a tiny toddler.
Though thankfully things had changed greatly since then. I now have a little brother named Toby. He is the sweetest most caring brother a person could ask for.
A few months ago I started dating this wonderful guy named Alistair, he was everything I ever wanted in a boyfriend, my knight in shining armor if you will.
Everything was perfect until one day.

"Jess! Jess!" my fathers scream pierced the air around us. Mom was collapsed on the floor barely breathing. Toby was crying next to me. My body shook with sobs, I was horrified of the scene that was unfolding before me.
Immediately I shakily picked up my phone and dialed 911.
"Hello 911 what is your emergency?" A pleasant woman's voiced answered the call a few seconds after dialing.
"Hello, um my mother she collapsed unexpectedly , she's unconscious and barely breathing. My father he's by her side trying to keep her alive." Though slightly panicked I spoke as calmly as possible so the woman could understand me.
"We're dispatching people now, what is your address so they can get to you."
"4964 Redwood Avenue. Thank you so much."
"Of course dear." With that she hung up and I stumbled out of the house awaiting the dire help.
Soon paramedics came and lifted mom into a gurney and rushed her to the E.R dad by her side. Moments after they left I held my brother telling him words of hope and brushing his pale blonde hair out of his shimmering blue eyes. We walked to the car I started the engine and followed the ambulance to the hospital.
We sat in the waiting room for I don't even know how long. I nodded into an uneasy sleep in which nightmares that had haunted me for years came joined with a new one.

Mom was dead her eyes bloodshot and bleeding. A black mist hovered around her limp body. She was lying in the woods wearing a plain white dress that looked like the one from her wedding. A hand arose from the dirt and covered her torso, starting to drag her down into the ground like quicksand. Moments later she reemerged the dress she wore smudged with dirt. Blood staining her pale lips and skin. She crept towards me as I crawled backwards backing myself into a tree. The creature that had once been my mother sank its fangs into me draining blood until I was but a lifeless corpse.

"Kylee, Kylee please wake up." Someone shook me gently, slowly lifting the slits in my face Alistair came into view. His silver hair shimmered under the hospital luminescent lighting. His green eyes filled with complete and utter fear. "K-Kyee" He held me gently like a baby.
His embrace was warm and comforting as always.
"Kylee and Toby Hayes please come with me," A pretty nurse with pink scrubs and brown hair tied into a tight bun lead us through a long winding path of corridors into our mothers room.
Dad was sitting by her side holding her hand. A doctor stood at the end of the bed writing in a clipboard frantically.
"Children please sit down," We sat in the two empty chairs by dad.
"It seems Jessica had collapsed because of a mini stroke but as we were taking our tests we found a small tumor in her left leg. We suspect it may be cancerous and it may have to be amputated."
On that note i bursted out of the room and ran through the maze of empty halls before finally collapsing against a wall and crying. How could i cope with the fact that my mom may have cancer and she may die or have to get her leg amputated. The sobs subsided and time past before a nurse found me.

After that my memory blurred and I couldn't tell you what happened even if my life depended on it. Its been a few months since that horrid day happened and mom is still going through extensive amounts of chemo and radiation therapy. All of her beautiful golden locks have fallen out from radiation. Thankfully she's getting better day by day and they are hoping the tumor will be gone in a matter of a few months. Its been a roller coaster but life is improving daily.
Thanks for listening,
Kylee Hayes

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