Chapter Ten

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Now that Jess knows what happened with Nicole and Kylee, we are working to treat the wounds together. But one question remains: why does she care?
She never acted like she despised my daughter. However, she never acted as if she cared for her either. Until just now.
But here she is, applying new bandages to each scratch and scar every few hours like its her duty. Not that I'm complaining, I couldn't be more grateful. I'm just just so confused. Is she a doctor? Is she trying to cover up something? Is she trying to get on my good side or is she just being nice?
While I'm thinking, I check my phone and realize it's time for Kylee's nap. I sweep her up off the couch and into my arms.
"Need some help?" Jess asks.
"No, I think I got it. Feel free to come if you want, though." I say, politely.
Jess quickly moves in front of me and opens the door. I'm baffled by her behavior now. Why is she helping me?
I walk in and Jess follows close behind. I gently lay Kylee onto her bed and tuck her in. While I'm tucking, Jess plugs in the night light. I can't stand not knowing why she's being so nice anymore. I must ask.
When we walk out of the room, we make our way to the kitchen. I try my best not to sound to sudden.
"Why are you being so nice to us?" I'm so firm, and I try not to be.
"Because." She said, seemingly annoyed.
"Is there some sort of reason?" No matter how annoyed she might get, I'm determined to get an answer.
"I'm nice because no one, especially a three year old, should have to deal with being tortured by a parent. If her mom is to self absorbed to act as a motherly figure then who better to act like one then me?"
I am very shocked. I try not to show it, but I'm 90% sure I've failed.
"Wow. Sorry, I've never thought of that before." I'm still shocked.
"Look Hunt, I know we just met and all, but I think I can make a huge impact on this child's life. But that's if you let me. And even if we don't work out, I want to be there for her anyways. Please just think about it?"
Why is she asking me to think about it? My answer is obvious, even if she's not the real mom here.
"No need." I say.
"Uhh, no need?" She's trembling.
"No need to think. My answer is yes." I mean obviously?
"Thank you. Oh my god thank you so much. You won't regret this. Honestly. I'll be there for her 24/7. I promise." Is this real? Is she really saying that she's going to take care of and be there for a child she met not one month ago? I think she is. I guess I have to give it a chance. If Kylee can have a motherly figure in her life at this point, I have to at least try. Let's just see how it goes now.
"So how is this going to work?" I ask.
"Maybe I can start with being her babysitter. We can take it step by step. Wanna try that?" She is eager to start right away.
"How about right now? I need to pick something up from Dann at the studio anyways. She is sleeping, so she should not be much trouble anyways." I am really trying this. I'm trusting Jess with my beautiful pride and joy.
"Let's do it?" She asks.
"Let's do it." I confirm.

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