Chapter Eight

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Sunday Hunter's POV (with Kylee)
I probably shouldn't ask a three year old this question.
"Kylee, on a scale of one to ten with ten being the best and one being the worst, how would you rate mommy?" I wait for her answer as she thinks about it. (a/n Ky counts)
"Four." She continues playing with her linkin logs.
"Why?" I'm trying to gain details from a three year old. How on earth do I do this correctly?
"Mommy mean." She doesn't seem to think about her answers. I don't know what to think about that.
"Why is mommy mean?" I hope her answer isn't what I think it is.
"She yell at me." I can't imagine why Ky would need to be yelled at.
"Why does mommy yell at you?"
"I ask for snack. Mommy don't like giving me food." Am I hearing this right?
"Does mommy ever give you food? Does she feed you breakfast or lunch or dinner?" She better say yes.
"She say not to tell." Kylee seems to look uncomfortable, like she's hiding something.
"Come here. Now." She gets up and stands in front of me. I slowly pull her shirt up so I can see her belly.
There are bruises and scrapes everywhere. I turn her around to see her back. The same thing is on her back, too. I put her shirt down. Then I lift her pant legs, which aren't as bad, then her shirt sleeves. I can't believe this. I'm trying really hard to stay calm. I don't want to go out of control in front of her again.
"Who did this to you?"
"Did mommy do this?"
She waits a moment, then nods. I'm not sure what to do.
"Come with me. Get your shoes and coat on. We're going to Grammy and Grampy's." I need advice from someone. I don't know what else to do.
Once were in the car driving, I start silently brewing. Once we get there, I pull Ky into my arms and keep her there until we're inside. My parents automatically know something is wrong.
"What's wrong?" My mom asks. I pull Ky's coat off and sit her on the counter and show them her stomach, arms and legs.
"What happened?" They're both worried now. Ky starts crying so I pick her up and let her cry on my shoulder while I explain.
"Nicole happened. In the car yesterday I told Kylee to tell Jess about her favorite doll and she said Nicole broke it. Today, I got suspicious so I asked her to rate Nicole and she said four so I asked why, and she said because she's mean. I asked why she's mean and she said she yells at her, so I asked why she yells at her and she said she yelled at her because she asked for food and Nicole doesn't like giving her food. Then I asked if she ever feeds her and she said Nicole told her not to tell, so I looked underneath her clothes to check for scrapes, bruises, etc. and found this. And I asked if Nicole did it and she nodded. This is child abuse right? I have a reason to be pissed right?"
My parents are shocked, mad, etc. I can't even read all of their emotions.
"As much as I hate to say it, this is child abuse and you have every reason to be angry." My mom says after a moment.
"What do I do?" I ask. Kylee is still crying on my shoulder.
"I think your best bet is to call the police. I'm not sure what will happen, but I think it's your best call. And I'm sure I don't have to tell you not to let her see Nicole anymore. Right?" My dad says.
"You better know you're right. I'll get a restraining order if it keeps them separated. I don't care how much it costs." I'm certain of that.
"Okay, go call now. We'll take care of the wounds." My mom takes her out of my arms and to the bathroom. I didn't even think about that. I'm too occupied in taking care of this situation that I didn't realize she'd have to heal.
Lynette's POV
I search for neosporin and bandages while Leo carefully lifts Kylee's pant legs and sleeves up. Once I find them, I grab cotton balls out of the cabinet above me and use them to dab neosporin onto each wound. Once I'm done with the neosporin, I grab the bandages and out each one of them on the wounds. I'm hoping she doesn't scar. Once were done with the bandages, we roll her sleeves and pant legs back up and take her to the kitchen and listen to Hunter on the phone. I'm not sure what is happening. All he's doing is explaining what happened.
Maybe she won't remember what her mom did in the future. Nonsense... If she doesn't, maybe she won't remember her mom at all. Nonsense again, who could forget? Hunter is so obsessed with making sure that Nicole gets punished that he doesn't realize what this could do to Kylee's emotions now and in the future. We're going to have to make sure she's a happy child.

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