Chapter Six

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Hunter's POV
Jess left yesterday. How am I this lost already? I'm scaring myself. I haven't been this lost since my divorce with my ex wife, Nicole. Although I do have my amazing 3 year old daughter, Kylee.
Kylee has been spending some time with Nicole lately, who is her birth mother. Thankfully, I get full custody of Kylee so I get her back today. I really wish Jess was here so I could introduce them sooner. I know that'll require telling her about Nicole, but I think she will be thrilled to know Kylee anyways.
Kylee has long dark hair and a loving, giving heart. She's only three but she's already more selfless than anyone could imagine. One time, we were walking home from McDonalds and she was right about to take a bite of her ice cream cone when she saw a homeless veteran sitting on the ground asking for food. Instead of eating her ice cream she ran over to the man and handed it to him, thanking him for his service. She amazes me every day. Which is why I hate letting her see her mother, even though I know it's the right thing to do. Kylee needs to know Nicole. Or at least have a relationship with her mother.
I'm not sure if Nicole and Kylee get along well. I've always worried that Nicole would act neglectful to Kylee. I'm not sure why, but when we were married I would always point out cute things Ky did and Nicole didn't seem to care. Kylee Rose Hayes always seemed to amaze me, but Nicole never seemed to care. I really hope I'm wrong about the whole neglect thing, but I don't think I am. Which is why I intend on picking Kylee up from Nicole's house when she is there.
The whole reason I divorced Nicole is because she stopped supporting anything, especially Kylee and I. Anytime Ky wanted to do something cool, she'd ask me instead of her mom. Why? Nicole would always say something like, 'there is no way you're going to be able to do that' so Ky came to me instead. I should've asked Nicole why she did that to her but I didn't. Instead I divorced her. I guess it just felt like the right thing to do.
I know Ky might want a normal family in the future, and I'm trying to give her that. I don't want Nic anymore either. I forgot, another reason I divorced was because I lost interest. Relationships are supposed to be exciting but ours just wasn't after about a year of being married. What bothers me about that is I don't think Nicole felt bad afterwards. I didn't want to hurt her but it would've been nice to know that what we had actually mattered to her.
And then a year later, another girl walks into my life. I remembered our first date, her wearing a nice yellow dress with flower design's on it. We were at Whiskey Kitchen. She ordered 2 chili dogs with an order of potato fries and I ordered my usual just so she'd ask what it was. I can't believe I remember all of this. I haven't even known Jess that long. I couldn't remember mine and Nicole's first date no matter how hard I tried.
I'm on my way to Nicole's house to get Kylee. I'm so desperate to see my little angel, I'm literally yelling at all the red lights. I know it's only been three days but it seems like it has been a century. When I finally get there, Kylee is crying for some reason.
"What's wrong, Ky?" I'm worried now.
She then holds up her snapped Barbie doll, which was her favorite one.
"Oh, honey I'm sorry. We can go to Toys R us and get you a new one soon okay?"
Ky stays quiet for a minute.
"Otay daddy." She's still crying but she's a little happier now.
Before I could say anything else Nicole pulls the door open and stands by it, motioning us out. I pick Ky up into my arms and before I know it, we're in the car. I'm buckling Kylee into her car seat when she starts crying a little harder.
"Are you ok honey?" I'm concerned even more now.
"I missed you, daddy. Can I have a hug now?" My heart is breaking. This is so sweet. I lean in and she hugs me tight. I love how sweet she is being, but why is she being so clingy all of a sudden? She's usually really upbeat and happy. I can't imagine why she's like this now.
I shut the back door and climb into the drivers seat and start the car, putting my seat belt on. Ky has mostly stopped crying now, but I'm going to do my best to lighten the mood. I know what she wants most anyways, besides a new doll.
"Hey Kylee, how about we go to Dairy Queen?" I say with as much enthusiasm as I can. She immediately perks up.
I turn into Dairy Queen. When I stop the car, I get out and walk over to the back door and unbuckle Ky. Kylee reaches up for me to hold her. I gladly accept.
After I order our cones, we sit down.
"So Kylee, you're going to get to meet Daddy's new friend Jessie soon."
"Jethie?" She says. It's adorable how she can't say her s'.
"Yes honey, Jessie. I think you're going to like her."
"Will she wike me too?" So adorable.
"She will love you, I promise. You'll get to meet her on Sunday when we go to dinner with Grammy and Grampy and when we pick her up from the airport on Friday.
"Yay!! Grammy and Grampy! This is sorta like a holiday!" I laugh at her excitement.
When we finish our cones, we throw our garbage away and head for the car. I don't tell Kylee this, but were secretly headed to Toys R Us. I don't want her to be sad about her doll anymore.

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