Chapter II

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The walk was hot and hard. It was a little while, maybe an hour or two, and the suit wasn't helping to keep out the heat.

Damn, I'm out of shape.

The place, which I was pretty sure looked like a diner or gas station of sorts, was old and run down. The windows and doors were boarded up, but Atom looked at the place like it was home. It probably was, seeing as it was the only building I'd seen for a while.

What a goddamned dump...

"I give you the Den!" Atom announced, holding his arms out. "Best damn hangout there is! I've got a few buddies back there, and I think they'd take a liking to you."

"They're Killjoys too?" I asked, running my hand through my hair.

He nodded. "Yep! Although you'd never know who's loyal to the Killjoy side. I've heard rumors about Dr. Death-Defying, but it's not like you know who that is, right?"

I chuckled. Man, this kid is awesome.

"Let's go in before you get in a tangle with any more Dracs," Atom advised. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

"Go in?" I asked. "Where? It's all blocked off!"

"That's what you'd think," Atom laughed. "But there's a way in. Watch and learn, guy. Watch and learn."

He strolled up and knocked on the boards with a "Shave And A Haircut" pattern.

"Who goes there?" someone yelled from within.

"Well holy shit," Atom said in friendly surprise. "Civil Glow, is that you? I haven't seen you in years!"

"Atomic Daydream, my man!" The wood planks were pushed off in a solid block and a shorter guy with spiky black hair and dark sunglasses popped out. "Where are you? Let me get a good look at you!"

"I guess that would be a little hard, wouldn't it?" Atom joked.


He walked uneasily towards us. He just kept bumping into things as he walked along like he didn't even care.

"Hold up a minute! You're gonna need this!"

Another guy ran out after him, carrying a yellow and black striped stick.

What's up with this guy? Is he blind?

He rushed over to the blind guy and put the stuck into his hands.

"Ah, yes, thanks," the blind guy said. "I guess that's important, isn't it?"

"Who's your friend, Atom?" the taller guy asked. "I haven't seen him anywhere around here before."

"He's a new guy," Atom explained. "Guys, this need a name, guy. Guy, this is Civil Glow and Wayward Adrenaline."

"Wait, he doesn't have a name?" Civil asked. "What kind of person doesn't have a name?"

"This kind of person, I guess," I said, pointing my thumb on my chest. "So I was told you could get me some real clothes?"

"You're definitely needing them, doll," Wayward laughed, flicking the collar of my shirt up. "This isn't working for me. You're gonna need something else. Here, I'll get you set up nice and spiffy."

He grabbed my arm and dragged me through the sand.

"Don't worry, guy," Atom said. "He's the best around! You'll be fine."

Lost Boy (True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now