Chapter X

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I opened my eyes.

Ma'am? What?

Who is that?

Why is it so comfy?


I pushed myself upright. I went to stretch, but my hands were jolted to a stop by cold metal.

Handcuffs? What?

"Good evening, ma'am. I'm the nurse from Better Living Industries, and I'm here to tell you that you're under arrest."

"Arrest? What?" I tried to shake from the cuffs, but I couldn't. "What did I do, may I ask?"

"You're clearly supporting the Killjoy cause along with these four individuals." she said, her voice smoother than silk.


"Ma'am, I just want to know why you want to ruin our wonderful way of life." I cringed at the sound of that damned four-letter word

Please stop.

"Please miss, I would prefer that you call me by male pronouns. That is what I am, if you would know."

Her eyes widened in shock. "I've only heard of one other person like that." She started backing up.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "What?"

"I-I have to go," she stammered before rushing away. Another woman quickly walked into the room, almost exactly the same.

"Hello, ma'am. How are you today?" Her voice was even smoother. "Have you been given medication today?"

"I'm not a girl," I growled. "I'm not!"

"You're not?" the woman asked. "But your tests say-"

"It doesn't matter what my tests say!" I yelled. "I am a guy! So shut the hell up!"

"Yeah, you go, guy!" came a voice from across the room. "Give that Rat a good talkin' to!"

I turned over. Three more...what did she call them? Killjoys?...were laying handcuffed on hospital beds like I was. Three guys and a girl.

The woman's smile turned into a nervous one. "Oh yes. Sorry. I will get your medication right now."

"Oh come on, we don't want your damn Rat pills," one of the Killjoys, a guy with purple hair, sighed. "We've said this already."

"Yeah, listen to him," another Killjoy, a guy with blonde hair with shocks of black in it, piped up. "Take your pills and get out!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that, sirs," the woman said, still all smiley. "You need to take your pills!"

"Just get out, will ya?" the blonde guy scoffed. The lady bowed and left.

"So, what's your name, guy?" the girl asked. "Might as well give introductions since we've been out here for a week."

My jaw dropped. "A week? I've been unconscious for a week?"

A TV screen flipped on.

"Oh God, not Mousekat again," a purple-haired guy groaned, thumping the back of his head on the hospital bed. "I'm so sick and tired of this show!"

"Hey, stop changing the subject," the girl scoffed. "Alright, I'll go first. I'm Silicone Solace. Blue hair is Master Flam. He's mute, by the way, so you won't get any answers out of him. Blondie is Listen Kid. Purple hair is Grape Soda."

"Cherri Cola was taken, so grape soda was my second best choice." He shrugged. "But what's your handle, kid?"

"Boy," I replied, making my voice a little more suave like I was a secret agent. "Lost Boy."

"Okay, cut the James Bond shit for a minute and get serious, kid," Silicone snapped. "Where are you from? The City of the Zones?"

"The...Zones?" I guessed. It might have been a long shot, I didn't really know.

I guess the desert is the Zones?

"Fair enough," Kid said. "So are we. We are- well, were, invading the city. Like the Fab Four, except we didn't die."

"Hey, you don't know that," Soda snapped. "I heard-"

"Enough with that Fab Four shit, Soda!" Kid groaned in annoyance. "You know it's all rumors, right? You're such a lunatic sometimes."

"Right," Soda sneered. "Sure. And I'll take those pills by the spoonful!"

A doctor poked his head in. "Splendid! And for that, everyone will join in too!

Lost Boy (True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now