Chapter IX

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Shortly after that, Atom died smiling. His words haunted me like a gunshot would where the bullet was left in there.

"I don't want you to stay lost," Atom said. "If you want to, go on ahead, but when you find out who you are, I want you to tell me all about it. Can you promise me that?"

I could barely speak as he croaked out the words. "I-I promise. I'll tell you every night, before I go to bed. Even if I'm too tired or busy, I'll tell you. I will."

"Good, Boy, good. I'll make sure to tell you every night, too. Whatever goes on in Heaven or Hell, I'll make sure to tell you. I don't care if there's some kind of radio or not in the afterlife, but I'll find a way." He put his hand on my arm. "I promise."

I pulled him close and sobbed into his already colding chest. I poured all of my pain, sorrow, and frustration into every molecule of those tears, all the fear, confusion, anger, everything.

I laid him next to the Den, where the sky was open. I felt like that's where he'd want it, where he could see the sky. I laid at his side all night, thinking, blaming myself.

You have to move on, Boy. Stop drowning in it.

I sighed. You're right.

Square one: Wayward and Civil. Which way did he point?

I looked around. That way?

Seems good.

I walked ahead. I hated being alone, but I kept reminding myself that wouldn't be for a while, but I started to not believe it.

After a few hours, I noticed a formation looming in the distance. It wasn't like the natural rock formations scattered around the desert, this one was too uniform.

Is that...a city?


I put my hands behind my head and let out an excited laugh. "Home-free! Haha!"

I ran as fast as I could, laughing like a maniac. I had no idea why there would be a city in the desert, but honestly, I didn't care at that point.

Nor did I care about the rock I tripped on that made me black out.

Way to go with blacking out again, Boy. Just be happy you have your memory this time.

I heard a woman's soft, smooth voice, although everything was black.

"Ma'am? Ma'am? Are you okay? Ma'am?"

Lost Boy (True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now