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I wake up to a flight attendant tapping my shoulder saying we are about to land so I thank  her and Buckle up when we land I go out of the airport and into the car park where I see Adam and max I run up to them and give Adam a bear hug nearly knocking him over and I started to cry "thank you for letting me stay with you Adam thank you so much " I said threw sobs he said it's not a problem and all that friend stuff.

Max's pov

I was walking with Adam when he got a call when he ended the call he said it was shelby and she was crying and she asked to stay here in Seattle "why was she crying?" I don't know she didn't say she said she would be here soon so wanna go to the air port with me" he asked me of course I said yes I couldn't wait to see her no one knows I have a crush on her. We arrive at the air port to see a crying shelby Come out of the main entrance I say to Adam "great timing" he laughed a little then we hopped out of the car to greet her she came running up and nearly knocked Adam over in a bear hug she said something but I couldn't quite make it out I went and grabed her suit case and put it in the trunk for her . The car ride to Adams house was mostly silent an ocasinal sob coming from shelby and then alesa called Adam
A:Adam al:alesa M:max
A hey alesa we picked up shelby and were on our way home with pizza and max
M Haiiiiiiii
Al hey max *giggles* and ok pizza sounds good and the guest room is set up for shelby
A ok baiiii

Shelby's pov

The hole car ride I was looking out the window crying. When Adam hanged up with alesa he put a hand on my leg and said "shelby if and when you wanna talk we are all here for you" I hear max say "Ye " that made me giggle I turn to face them and I say "thanks guys". When we arrived at Adams house I hAd stopped crying when he turned of he car max got out and opened my door for me "such a gentle creature" I say as I get out he laughs and says " I ain't gentle " which I hear laughter from inside we walk in to see alesa laughing so hard she was going red max asked " what " alesa said threw pants "that's ... What .... She ..... Said" Adam burst out laughing so did max and I started to giggle.after we had our laughing fit I was walking down the hall behind Adam.Adam showed me my room and left me to unpack he said him and max are gonna tell the offices to tell everyone I'm here.after I unpack I go down the hall and stairs to talk to alesa "hey alesa can I talk to you for a Second" she turned around and pulled me into a hug and said "of course" we pulled out of the hug and I sat down "I feel like I need to tell someone before I explode"

Authors note:I'm gonna keep writing this lol it's kinda crap it's my first fanfic but I like how it's going so baaaaiiii

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