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Max's pov

Ugh why didn't my stupid alarm go off "Max hurry up" I hear Ross say outside my door "give me a minute go pick up tim and shelby then com back" a week with shelby I thought how amazing "Ok " I heard him leave .

Shelby's pov

It's been a week since I kissed Max on the cheek my feelings have devolped I have a huge crush on him now. We are going to pax I wonder if I get to be in his room. I hear Adam talking to someone I can't make out who or what they are saying "shelby I'm leaving now remember to lock up"
"Ok have a safe trip"

Adams pov

I heard a knock on the door and who was there when I opened almost made me yell it was Tyler and his girlfriend they asked if I could take them to there flight to pax "yea just shh and get in the car" I told shelby i was out and we left the car ride was silent.

Shelby's pov

I heard Ross knock on the door so I grabbed my stuff and the keys I opened the door "morning shelby" he says like a posh man "morning Ross" I say playfully and lock up Ross takes my bag and puts it in the trunk of Max's car I hop in and see tim "morning tim" he looked so tired and out of it I understand why he just nodded. Ross hops in the car "where's Max?" I thought it was strange he wasn't in his car "he forgot to set his alarm so he's in panic mode packing his stuff up we are going to get him now"
" what an idiot " I start to giggle

Max's pov

I hear them pull up just as I finish packing "great timing " I mutter to myself I walk out the door with my stuff I lock up and turn to go to the car "Ross I'm driving" when I said that I heard shelby giggle "shelby do you breath giggles or something" I said teasingly this made her giggle even more I love making her giggle I love well her.

Shelby's pov

The ride to the air port was full of giggles and laughter when we got there I saw adam alesa mason and Barney . "Hey guys" max said why he was getting all the crap out of the car "heys maxs" Barney says and I giggle at his accent we all went inside and got on the plane.

Max's pov

We all sat down on the plane infront of us Adam next to the window tim in the middle and Barney on the isle we were 1 row behind and shelby was the window and I sat in the middle and Ross on my other side in about a minute of us sitting down shelby was asleep on my shoulder of course I loved it so I didn't move when we took off I got a text from Adam
"I ship it" I new what he meant by that and it pissed me off but I kept reading " and also keep shelby asleep or distracted because Tyler and his gf are 2 rows ahead of us and try not to let him see shelby because you saw what he said to her.
I look up and I see them I text back
"Fuck you and let's not let shelby find out she just started to be herself again and yea keep him away from shelby if he tries anything I'm gonna break him.
HE turned round and nodded. I put my carefully put my headphones in and started to listen to music. Not long after we were landing so I had to wake shelby up.

Shelby's pov

I wake up to Max tapping me on the shoulder "oh sorry for falling asleep on you" I blushed a little but I don't think he saw it "no it's fine"he started to laugh I giggled again man he's so amazing and cute. When the plane is landing I grab Max's hand and squeeze it because I never liked this part of a flight he didn't seem to care.when we finally got off the plane I went to grab my bag when I saw a familiar bag next to it I was snapped out of thought when Max grabbed my bag "you alright shelby?" He said giving me my bag I said I was fine and we got in the mini van Adam had rented and we drove to the hotel.

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