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Not before long, the news of Yongguk adopting Yoonmin spreaded and now, she's feeling uncomfortable and Zelo seldom comes to school as he is busy with schedules.

She's still sitting in the back, wearing a hoodie and quiet. Her classmates looked at her then at each other. "I bet Yongguk oppa just feels bad for her so he adopted her." Her classmates talked to each other while Yoonmin just rested her head on the table while crying on the inside.

After school, Yoonmin is walking past the foyer when somebody accidentally tripped her. She scraped her knees. "You are so pathetic, no wonder they take you in since they pity you." The girls said and laughed while leaving her on the floor.

Yoonmin bit her lips and walked home, blood still flowing out her knees. Once she reached home, she saw the house is empty so she just went into her room. She took out a band-aid and plastered her wound, not wanting to put the medicated lotion.

Evening came and Yongnam went to his room while slowly opening the door. Once he walked in, he saw Yoonmin fast asleep. He walked towards her and softly patted her head. As he walked away, his hand accidentally grazed her wound and she tossed around. Yongnam thought it was weird so he gently remove the blanket off her legs. He saw the wound and looked at her. *Where did she get hurt?* Yongnam wondered as he took a bottle of medicated lotion from the drawers and a band-aid.

As he slowly remove the band-aid, he sighed as he looked at the wound. He applied the lotion and she kept tossing and turning and woke up. "Yongnam-ssi?" Yoonmin asked while rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Mian.. Did i wake you up?" Yongnam asked and Yoonmin shook her head. "How did you hurt yourself?" Yongnam asked, curious. "I fell." Yoonmin replied softly.

After he applied, he looked at her and went out to bathe. *Do they really pity me? Took me in out of pity?* Yoonmin asked herself and decided to go back to sleep.

Adopted a sister(A B.A.P fanfic) part 2Where stories live. Discover now