Birthday present?

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After a few weeks, Yoonmin started calling Yongguk and Yongnam oppa and soon, it's Yoonmin's birthday. Once Yoonmin left for school, Yongnam went to a toy store and saw Yongguk waiting there.

"Mian." Yongnam apologized as he ran up to him. "Don't sweat it. Let's pick a soft toy for Yoonminnie." Yongguk said and both of them went in. Yongguk and Yongnam automatically walked to the tigger isle. "Yah, why not buy this?" Yongguk said as he picked out a tigger. "Yah! It's for her, not you and besides, you have lots already so stop staying there." Yongnam said as he walked around.

"Nam! How about this?" Yongguk asked as he picked out 'Winnie the Pooh'. "Why that of all soft toys?" Yongnam asked as he looked at his brother. "Well.. We love Tigger so i thought why not pick Tigger's friend." Yongguk explained. "Guk.. You do know that what you said makes no sense, right?" Yongnam sighed again as he looked at him. "Then what do you suggest?" Yongguk asked as he looked at Yongnam. "Well.. I have no idea what she likes but since you suggested it, we'll take that then." Yongnam said and both of them went to the cashier.

Evening came and Yoonmin reached home. Once she reached home, she walked straight into the room and saw Yongguk talking with Yongnam. "Annyeong." The brothers greeted her and she nod slightly. "Yoonmin-ah, after you bathe finished, we have a surprise for you." Yongnam said and Yoonmin just looked at them and nodded.

After she bathe finished, she went back into the room and lie on her bed. *Today's my birthday.. Hate it.* Yoonmin thought as she sighed. "Yah, today's your birthday so why are you sighing?" Yongguk asked as he looked at her. "I hate today most of all." Yoonmin replied. "Well.. We have something for you and we hope you like it." Yongnam said whoch makes Yoonmin looked at them, curious. "What is it?" Yoonmin asked, curious. "Happy birthday." Yongnam and Yongguk said as they took out 'Winnie the Pooh'. "Hope you like the present." Yongnam said and Yoonmin looked at them, shocked.

"Th-thanks." Yoonmin thanked them as she took the soft toy from their hands and hugged it. "Thank you." Yoonmin thanked them softly and they smiled while hugging her. "Glad you like it." The brothers said and Yoonmin smiled.

Night came and she fell asleep while hugging the soft toy tightly. Yongguk and Yongnam came in and saw her hugging it. They smiled while patting her softly. "Happy birthday." They whispered and went to sleep.

Adopted a sister(A B.A.P fanfic) part 2Where stories live. Discover now