Homeroom teacher changed?

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After a week, Yoonmin is finally discharged and she opened up a little to Yongnam and Yongguk.

The next day, she went to school. Once she reached her class, she saw alot of students staring at her yet did nothing to her and she saw Zelo talking to some of the classmate. She hurriedly went to her seat and sat down while putting her head on the table. Just then, your school's principal came in. "Students, i have a bad news. Mr Woon has resigned and a new teacher will be replacing him. He will be coming in in a little while so please treat her well." Principal said and left, leaving everyone in shock.

After awhile, a strict-looking female teacher came in. "Good morning class, i'm the discipline mistress in this school and will be your homeroom teacher until the principal found another homeroom teacher to replace Mr Woon. I'm Mrs Park." Mrs Park said and looked at the class.

While teaching, Yoonmin is sleeping and Mrs Park saw. She walked towards her and banged her table, shocking everyone. "Miss Bang, detention after school for sleeping in class." Mrs Park said and left, making all the classmates shocked and scared, including Zelo but Yoonmin just sighed and looked out the window.

Once school ended, everyone all ran away, leaving Zelo, Yoonmin and Mrs Park in the classroom. "Miss Bang, i see you are still sleeping in class. You got detention from me that time for the same thing and you are still doing it again." Mrs Park said while looking at Yoonmin and Yoonmin just took her things and walked away. Zelo hurriedly ran after her. "Yah, what did she mean?" Zelo asked once he caught up to her. "She took our class once two years ago when Mr Woon is on leave. She gave me detention for sleeping in class." Yoonmin sighed and rubbed her arm while looking down and sighed. "What's wrong?" Zelo asked, curious. "Aniyo, i should go before she give me another detention for being late to detention." Yoonmin said and walked away.

Adopted a sister(A B.A.P fanfic) part 2Where stories live. Discover now