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After a month, it's nearing her birthday but nobody knows. She was walking along her old house, dreading her birthday to come.

Once she reached her old house front door, she opened it, surprised that no one is staying inside. She went in and looked around, memories returning. She felt scared and darkness surrounds her. She hurriedly took a pen-knife on the floor and began hurting herself.

After a few minutes, she finally looked at her arm and wrist which is full cuts as blood flows out. *If they found out.. They will scold me right?* Yoonmin thought as she took the pen-knife and put it in her hoodie pocket and walked out while closing the door.

As she is walking, her arm and wrist slowly starts to hurt but she doesn't feel a thing and continued walking. While walking, she saw a familiar woman holding onto a child's hand, she looked and saw it's her mum. *Eomma?* Yoonmin thought and looked at her back-view.

After sitting at the bench, thinking what her mum said to her on her seventh birthday, her heart hurts and she slowly stood up. She walked to the nearest playground and cried while cutting herself somemore. After a few minutes, her tears went dry and she went home while covering all the cut marks.

Adopted a sister(A B.A.P fanfic) part 2Where stories live. Discover now