Chapter 6

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Jordan POV -

Everything's finished, were all back to were we came from, I'm glad i fixed everything between them, i really am.

"Hey, umm.." Ashton said Stuttering.

"Yeah? What's wrong you seem pale and shocked about something, did someone scary you or something?"

"Umm, no. I just came to ask you something, quickly, yeah?"

"Uh, sure, what's on your mind?"

"Remember when I cheated on you two years ago? Well I came here today to speak the truth,"

"So wait, all the boys are here because of this?"

"Yeah, I mean if you want us to leave we can, there's no problem with that,"

"No you're fine, you're all fine, why now though? Nobody knows my secret not even you anymore, And I'm not gonna start now,"

"Wait, you have another secret? What is it, maybe i can help with the rest of the boys?"

"See I know you're trying to help and all but I don't need the help, What I need is to sleep, because I'm very tired, Now if you'll excuse me I think I'm getting some rest now,"

"Fine, but after you wake up we're gonna talk about this certain 'secret' your hiding from me,"

I like that Ashton is trying to help me with the times that has been bad and all, but this needs to be done by me, not them.


Ashton POV -

What is she hiding from me that she can't tell me? She told me that 2 years ago, she was addicted to cutting because of rumors, threats, liars, and other sorts of things. But why won't she tell me this now?

I quickly heard a noise from her bedroom, i shot up and looked inside, and she finally woke up from her feel sleeping.

"Are you up?" I said sternly.

"No I'm skydiving," she joked, but i didn't find the humor in that one.

"Are you serious? I wanna try that!" I joked back with her.

"Seriously, this isn't even funny, I'm being serious,"

"You're seriously skydiving?"

"NO DUMBASS!" She said angry.

"Okay well, About that secret that you're keeping from me why can't you tell me? It's not like I'm going to judge you for it, or anything, So now that you woke up can you tell me?"

"I'm sorry, i just can't, it's something that i have to deal with myself, i don't need your help, and clearly i don't need you to watch over me anymore, I'm 16, not 14 anymore,"

"Okay I know you're not 14 anymore but still you don't have to blow it up on my face,"

"I wasn't trying to? Frankly you don't understand me anymore,"

"I'm don't understand you anymore? Obviously, i do, you're just not getting what I'm talking about,"

"Actually i don't know what the fuck your even talking about to be honest in this case,"


What's her problem now? I'm trying to be nice about it, but obviously she's not in the mood, i just don't understand though, why isn't she telling me anything anymore?

"Boys, we got problems,"

"What's wrong?"

"It's Jordan,"

"What's wrong with Jordan? Is she hurt? Is she okay?" All the boys seemed shocked, and confused.

"NO! She's fine, she just won't tell me anything anymore, I'm getting worried about her,"

"Do you know why she isn't telling you anything?"

"No, she won't tell me anything,"

"Do you mind if i go ask what's wrong with her?"

"You're fine, go ahead,"

The look at Luke's face when he looked into her door, wasn't what I wanted to see, at all.

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