Week 6 Assisngment 6

180 7 43


When commenting you must use the critique template. This is a mandatory rule so everyone gets quality comments. (Template found at the end of each chapter)

If you do not respond to me within two weeks you'll be seen as no longer in the book club, but PLEASE tell me if you want to quit. It makes everything a whole lot easier for me and others.
When your getting close, "behind on assignments" will be found next to your name.
However, I do understand that there extenuating circumstances. If you are kicked out and feel it is unfair, message me your reasoning. I don't have a heart of stone.

If you want to quit or go on hiatus, you need to finish the current week assignment.

Because of this, groups will be changing. So pay attention to to the assignments. The assignment is to read 1 chapter of every book in your group. This assignment is due April 26th.

When you finish your assignment, don't forget to comment 'done' with your group number.

The winner for last week? There isn't one. One writer dropped out and the other didn't receive too many votes. So we are just going to forget about doing a book of the week, the whole idea of voting didn't work out too well. So back to the groups!

Group One Adventure/Sci fi/Action
@Theresa Stormy Fantasy/Adventure Guardians: Protectors of Light
@caeserslegion Adventure Shadows of the Disappeared
@ANonymous4567 Science Fiction The Carriers

Group Two Adventure/Sci fi/ Action
@Abstract_Thoughts Science Fiction "The Nocturnal Hours"
@IceRequiem Science Fiction/Action/Adventure "Project Yggdrasil"
@veronica-h action-werewolf "Firewood"

Group 3 Fantasy
@Leon_Diablos Fantasy "The Unknown: Diablos"
@roevolution Fanstasy "IGNITE: The Legatee War"
@TheLeoTiger Fantasy/Young adult "Fly or Fall" (on hiatus)

Group 4 Fantasy/Sci fi
@_JoeJacobson_ Fantasy "The Assassin of Astryinx"
@J_D_McLachlan SciFi "The End of All Things"
@Reibun Fantasy "You Are My Way Out"

Group 5 Mystery Thriller
@Bye_FeliciaMystery/Thriller Who Did It (on hiatus)
@hamida4 Mystery/Thriller "Partner in Crime"
@0Yours-Truly0 Mystery/Thriller "Silent love"

Group 6 Paranormal
@Jewell_Friedman Paranormal Romance "Marital Rape"
@Regular_Guy Paranormal Medusa's Wrath
@KingUsaring Mystery/Thriller The Dark Room (behind on assignments)

@lilmissfaboo Romance The Not So Perfect Pretty Boy
@Dominiqueislife074 Teen Fic "Ready to Run"
@EtherrealCreations Short story Romance "Embody"

@AmericanBeauty Teen Fic "red kicks"
@deafening_silence_ Romance Billionaire's Wife (hiatus)
@GhostInsideOfMyBed Teen Fic "Allison & Smith"

Group 9 Teen Fiction/Romance
@ImTheGirl Teen Fiction/Romance/Drama Let Me Be The One (on hiatus)
@maybethea Romance/Chic lit "Coffee Breaks"
@ribbonthoughts Romance/Teen Fic/Humor
"Make It Count"

Read a book from the communal library to make up for I'mTheGirl's absence

Group 10
@CarrotHearts1D Teen fic/Fanfic "Life on the Flip Side [Harry Styles AU]
@spicy_sweets Teen Fic/fantasy "Words"
@EllaLunaRice Nonfiction "At the Edge of Anxiety: My Therapy Journey"

Group 11 fantasy/action
@ScrubbyBooks Action/Adventure/Survival Condemned to Die  (on hiatus)
@EMSkeelsCaldwell fantasy "A Call For Blood and Peace"
@littleowldragon fantasy "Alchemi"

Group 12 Scifi/ mystery thriller
@ajevergreen Mystery/Thriller "Matryoshka"
@Terra_Marie SciFi "Children of Criterion"
@Anyone_Can_Write SciFi/fantasy "Marked by Khaos"

Short & Sweet
This template is meant for a short critique, only pointing out a few basic things in the story.

What did you think about the story in general? Is it interesting? Original? What was your global impression of it?

What do you think about the characters? Are they sympathetic? Do you care about them? Are they believable and life-like? Do you have a good picture in your mind of what the characters are like?

Does the author describe the setting in such a way that you can easily picture it? Are the descriptions vivid, detailed?

Is the plot clear and believable? Or did you sometimes say to yourself "This could never happen!" Is the plot interesting?

Is there enough dialogue in the story? Is it believable, can you "hear them"? Would people really talk like that? Are the conversations used to push the story along? Do they show what the characters think, feel, their abilities?

A few words to the author:
Tell the author what you felt as a reader at the end of the chapter

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