Week 15 Assignment 15

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Hey, it's obliviouslilly. I'm filling in for stormy, somethings came up. if you need anything let me know. if you had two x and did not comment done than you were kicked out. I'm sorry. I added everyone who signed up. If you were not added but signed up message me and I will add you. I hope you all have a wonderful week.

So.... those who don't know. If you commented on having read last week, there is a ✅ by your name, if not, you have a ✖️. Three strikes and your out. I am getting all sorts of complaints bout people not reading. This group is here to help, as a member you are responsible for doing your part. If anything happens that prevents you from doing your reading, send me a message, it will prevent you from getting the ✖️. Once you are done reading, just comment 'done' with your group number.

If you want to quit or go on hiatus, you need to finish the current week assignment. Those on hiatus I have tried to group together, others at alone in a group. If you are returning, let me know and I will put you back in a group.

Some of you are not leaving quality comments, make sure you use the outline for commenting, found at the bottom of every chapter.

Those of you with only two people in your group, you need to pick a book from the community library and read a chapter from that as well. The same goes for if you have a group member on hiatus. Read a community book instead of theirs. You can read the same

community you read the previous week. And make sure you comment 'done' on here when you are finished, otherwise you will be marked as not having completed the assignment. (I know I said it earlier, I am just repeating for emphasis)

Had a decent turn out last week, no complaints here! Let's see what happens this week 😊 the assignment is due July 22nd.

Group 1 Adventure/Sci fi/Action

@xramen Fantasy "Everette" (on hiatus)

@ANonymous4567 Science Fiction "The Carriers" (on hiatus)

@_JoeJacobson_ Fantasy "The Assassin of Astryinx". (On hiatus)

Group 2 Adventure/Sci fi/ Action

@Abstract_Thoughts Science Fiction "The Nocturnal Hours". ✖️

@IceRequiem Science Fiction/Action/Adventure Project Yggdrasil ✅

@fict34 Adventure, urban fantasy "Am I home?"


Group 3 Fantasy

@TheLeoTiger Fantasy/Young adult "Fly or Fall" (on hiatus)

@veronica-h action-werewolf "Firewood" (on hiatus)

Group 4Mystery Thriller

@Bye_Felicia Mystery/Thriller Who Did It (on hiatus)

Group 5 Paranormal

@Regular_Guy Paranormal Medusa's Wrath (on hiatus)


@Hortensia Romantic Suspense "Break My Heart" (on hiatus)

@angelyntjf teen fic "Voices" ✖️

@zingzinga teen fic "The Wrong Way Is Always Wright✖️

@cleverwren humor/ teen fiction "the summer of striped tees"


@deafening_silence_ Romance "Billionaire's Wife (hiatus)

@ImTheGirl Teen Fiction/Romance/Drama "Let Me Be The One ✖️

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