What Happened to Claudia?

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I walked into Pirate's Cove, in human form as all of us always are at night, trying to figure out what had been so weird about the past few days. Well aside from, you know, the mind control, the psycho murderer spurt, and going outside of the pizzeria. I looked at Foxy who was sitting at the window seat, looking at the stars. Then I realized what it was. In all this craziness, I had forgotten about Claudia. "Foxy?"

"Yes lass?" 

"Where's Claudia?" I asked, inclining my head. (means she tilted it)

"She be turned off lass." Foxy said.

"Why?" I asked sitting next to Foxy, trying to find the three stars I called my own.

He sighed, "Well lass, she was found guilty of 'elpin t'at Fritz lad." I sat and pondered that. It would make sense. Vincent wanted me dead....or more dead than I already am, and Claudia didn't like me. With me out of the picture, Foxy would've been sad. She could've played hero, and gotten Foxy. 

I smiled as I found my stars, three of them by the moon. Foxy followed my line of sight, "What're your star's names lass?"

"That one's Yuki. That one's Sei. And that one is Phoenix." I said pointing to each corresponding star. Foxy smiled. 


"Cap'n." I said without turning. Suddenly I felt his arms around me, embracing me in a hug. I hugged back happily. "Love you too Foxy."

Aw, brother- sister love. Please don't kill me for extreme lateness, school kills me, so does life. I'm trying. 


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