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So I decided to do this

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So I decided to do this........ idk y.

1. Full name?

A: Evangilene Marie Hamata. (you aint gettin my real name.)

2. Current Crush?

A: No.

3. Addiction.

A: CHOCOLATE, hugs, Wattpad.

4. How tall am I?

A: About 5'7

5.Relationship Status?

A: Taken.

6. Girls I trust?

A: A couple that wish remain anonymous UnicowCipher and a couple people who don't have Wattpad.

7. Boys I trust?

A: My boyfriend and MewIshiwara

8. There isn't an eight

9. Current Mood?

A: A little ticked, and extremely bored.

10. Favorite color?

A: Cerulean

11: Confession?

A: I'm not nearly as strong as people think me to be or I want to be.

12. Who I miss? 

A: My friend Helena.

13. Who I last hugged?

A: Fanic101

14. Who understands me?

A: ShirouWasHere  Fanic101 UnicowCipher Helena My bf

15: Someone who is always there for me?

A: ShirouWasHere Fanic101 UnicowCipher My bf.

16: Last text?

A: That moment when I'm turning into Shirou. (forgetting how to use any punctuation other than period) [Only certain people will understand that]

17: Who ticked me off lately?

A: A family member.

18. Who makes me laugh most?

A: Ummm.......... I'm going to go with non-forced laughter (Pheenie >_<) but it's a tie between ShirouWasHere and Fanic101 

19. Who do I do the craziest stuff with?

A: ShirouWasHere Fanic101 and my friend Helena

20. Who makes me smile?

A: my friends and family.

21. What am I listening to?

A: I Got No Time by: TLT

Skipping 22 & 23

24. Bestfriends?

A: I'm not saying so no one will be butthurt.

25.  There isn't one.

26. Second Confession?

A: Everything I do has meaning whether it seems like it or not.

27. What I hate?

A: When people take my cocoa, being backstabbed, getting my trust betrayed, when people diss depressed and anxiety people, getting my plans cancelled without my okay or even being told, homework. A lot of other things.

28. Who's annoying?

A: People who constantly do what other people ask them not to, diss people when they don't even know, judge based on race or other things besides personality, bullies, backstabbers, fake friends, people who break promises.

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