Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Explanations


My paws dipped into the soothing cold water of the small lake, and I stared down at my reflection. My fur was dark grey with spots of black just like my father’s, and my eyes shone light blue, the only indication that I was ever human in my fur covered wolf body.

I curled up into a ball by the lake, resting my head on my paws and sighed. The first time I came here, was after my first change on my 15th birthday. My ex had a brilliant idea to take me to the beach where there was supposed to be a party. When we got there, there was only him and I, and a blanket laying in the sand.



“You’ve had me waiting for months, babe. It’s about time you gave in.” he said, leading me over to the blanket.

“I-I don’t want to. I’m not ready.” I stuttered as he shoved me down on the blanket.

“Relax, babe. It’ll be over before you know it, and you’ll be begging for more.” he laughed a sickening laugh before he crashed his lips on mine, pinning me on my back down on the blanket. I shoved at him and screamed, only to receive a slap across the face.

“Shut the fuck up, or else it won’t be pretty. Got that?” he growled at me. The tears streamed freely down my cheeks and I nodded. His hands went under my shirt and I bit down on my lip to suppress a scream from escaping my mouth.

“Please don’t do this.” I begged as he lifted the shirt over my head. He gave me a sadistic smile and bile rose up in my throat. He’s never been like this before. Always sweet and understanding. It was all an act now.

“No one’s here to save you, babe. Just enjoy it.” he breathed by my ear as he started running his hands down my bare stomach and over the front of my jeans.

“N-no. Please. You’re better than this.” I pleaded as he pinned my hands over my head and started undoing my jeans.

Before long, I was left in only my bra and panties, and he was hovering over me with his jeans half off like a crazy person. He leaned closer, and I couldn’t resist as his hand grabbed my area. I screamed, and I threw him to my side, jumping up and running down the beach as he yelled profanities at me.

“Come back here!” he roared as he tackled me down in the sand, flipping me over and started punching me repeatedly in the face and stomach, glaring at me with such anger and hatred it scared me.

Anger of my own started rising up within me, and all I could see was red as I flung him back onto the sand, and jumped up, growling like an animal as I felt my bones and skin crack and shift into something else, something inhuman.

I knew it was coming, my parents warned me that I would change into a werewolf within the year, but I didn’t listen. I didn’t think it would be this soon. It wasn’t supposed to be. Not for another year.

It was painful, but I bit back the screams of agony and growled at the horrified boy in front of me. His eyes grew wide as a high pitched yelp pierced my lips before I finally shifted into a wolf.

On my four legs, I growled and snapped at him as he lay in the sand, staring up at me in horror. He tried to quickly make a break for it, but I pounced, the wolf inside me quickly taking all control as she bit down on his leg and tore.

He screamed out in agony, the blood pouring down his leg, but my wolf refused to give up. She scratched and bit down on his limbs and torso, leaving trails of blood in her wake. He stared up into my eyes and I stared back, finally realizing what had happened when he passed out unconscious, and human voices filled with concern floated down the beach

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