Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: New Bitch In Town


Skylar’s P.O.V


The rest of the morning went by smoothly. I never had Kade in any of my classes so far, which was oddly disappointing, and already his gang were trying to threaten me and sweet talk me into joining the pack so they wont see, quote, “such a pretty face go to waste”. Seriously, if they thought I couldn’t handle myself they’ve got another thing coming.

Kyle and I went and sat at one of the empty tables in the cafeteria. I pulled out my lunch from my bag and smiled. How I loved Abby for packing my lunch again.

'Who made you lunch?” Kyle asked curiously, chomping on a bag of chips.

“Abby.” I replied simply as I took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I moaned delightfully and swallowed. “She makes really good sandwiches.” I added, causing him to laugh.

“I hear compliments to the chef is in order?” Abby giggled from behind me, moving to the side of me and sitting down.. Danny came in a minute later and sat by Kyle.

“You make the best sandwiches I ever had.” I groaned as I took another chomp from my sandwich. It was delicious.

“I’ll take your messy eating habits as a compliment.” she mused, unpacking her sandwich and taking a small nibble.

“Uh huh.” I nodded vigorously, taking a sip of chocolate milk. Danny made some kind of disgusted noise from across the table and I glared at him.

“How can you eat THAT and drink chocolate milk after? It’s a bad mixture of flavours.” he said as he pulled a face.

“It tastes amazing thank you.” I defended, taking another slurp of my milk. He rolled his eyes and smirked, grabbing the carton from me and chugging the rest of it’s chocolaty goodness down. I gasped and stood up, seeing red as my body shook, staring at Danny incredulously.

“Rule number one, never mess with Sky and her chocolate milk.” Kyle chuckled. Danny turned his gaze from me to Kyle, and back again. He gulped and got up slowly, before running like a bat out of hell towards the exit to outside.

“You better run you punk!” I shrieked as I bolted after him, chasing him around the field where the football players were. I didn’t care, he would pay for coming between me and my daily fix of chocolate milk. He was so dead.

“Calm down, Sky! It’s just chocolate milk!” he huffed over his shoulder at me.

“You shall die!” I roared, pushing my legs faster to catch up to him. I vaguely heard the guys from the football team chuckle as they watched us run around the field.

I was a few inches from catching Danny when I was yanked backwards against someone’s chest. I screamed and turned around quickly to see one of Kade’s friends goons, the blonde one with soft brown eyes. I tried to get out of his grasp, but he held tighter.

“Hello, Skylar.” he murmured. “Name’s Maddox.” he trailed his finger down my arm and I suddenly felt queasy. Interesting how an unwanted touch can do that.

“Pleasure to meet you again. Not.” I gritted. He chuckled a deep chuckle and continued stroking my arm. He ignored my disgust and stared at me intently.

“So, I see you’ve refused all of the guys that have came to you so far. Correct?” he asked, his gaze intent on my eyes, causing my cheeks to heat up a bit.

“Yes, and I’m not about to give in now.” I faked a sweet smile. He glowered at me for a moment before grinning.

“How about I change your mind?” he asked in a sickly sweet voice, leaning closer to me.

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