Chapter 8

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Chapter 8: Attacked


I walked out the doors of the school, not bothering to go back after the principal sent me out of his office. I was beyond pissed and I needed some air to breathe.

As I was approaching the forest that surrounded the school, a group of students caught my eye, one of them in particular. I shook my head furiously and continued walking into the woods, pushing all thoughts of school, my pack back home, and Kade to the back of my mind.

I walked for a few minutes into the woods, breathing in the deep intoxicating smell of the wild, making sure that I was securely covered by trees everywhere. I quickly stripped off my clothes and hid them under a tree root where I would get them later.

In two slow strides, my body quivered and shifted into my wolf form. As soon as all four paws hit the ground, I broke out into a run, letting my wolf take over and clear my mind of all human thoughts.

**Where the hell are you?** Kyle’s thoughts bombarded me unexpectedly, causing me to yelp and skid to a stop.

**I’m on a run, Kyle. The man was trying to keep me in a cage.** I grinned at my wittiness and started padding softly through the trees.

**I heard you punched some girl in the nose and tried to kill her before the principal came and suspended your ass.** he chuckled. What is with this girl, saying I attacked her? She attacked me first. It was self defence. I sighed irritated.

**She lunged at me, so I punched her and threw her on the floor as self defence. Nothing more. Now, I’m on a run to clear my head, bugger off. See you at the dorms.** I sighed and blocked the mind link. I felt him trying to break through a few times before giving up.

I quickly let my wolf take over again, making sure to keep the mind link blocked as I started picking up speed. Soon, I was running flat out through the trees, chasing birds that flew over head, and running with other wild creatures.

As the sun started to sink down over the trees, I made it back to where my clothes were hidden. I shifted back to human form and pulled on my clothes quickly, making my way towards the school parking lot.

The drive back to the dorm was quiet and peaceful. No friends bickering about something or another, no teachers hassling me, and no jerks getting in my way. Things were looking better.

I was let in through the gate to the dorms and parked in my usual spot. I got out and checked the time on my cell. It was suppertime. I locked my car and jogged over to the dining hall, the smell of pasta rolling at me in waves as I pushed open the door.

I quickly grabbed a plate of pasta and a diet coke, scanning the room of people until my eyes connected with my friends figures. I made my way over and sat beside Kyle, opening my drink and smiling slightly.

“What’d I miss?” I asked as I took a sip from my drink.

“Not much,” Abby piped up. “Kyle and Danny made the chemistry lab catch fire so we all left again last period.” She looked at both of them annoyed who grinned widely, fist bumping each other. I rolled my eyes and ate a mouthful of pasta.

“Yeah it was great. I wish you were in our chemistry class. You should of seen Mr. Michel’s face when our beaker caught fire. Pretty sure he broke a blood vessel.” Danny said, grinning wider and laughing as he told the story.

“Props guys.” I laughed and gave them high fives before finishing my pasta.

“Kade was also asking about you.” Kyle stated in a emotionless tone. My body stiffened at his name, setting me on edge. I ignored the feeling of excitement I got from hearing Kade’s name and that he was asking for me, and answered Kyle.

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