Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: New Home and New Faces


As I expected, the plane ride to California took an agonising amount of time. Mainly because Kyle kept poking at me and bugging me. When we got out of the airport with our luggage carts in tow, as predicted my car was waiting in the parking lot. I smiled and made my way over to it, dragging my luggage cart behind me.

We piled our luggage into the trunk and backseat, barely fitting it all in. I hopped into the front seat and pulled the keys to my car out of my pocket, shoving it in the ignition and turning it, smiling as the engine purred to life. Kyle slid into the passenger seat beside me and grinned at me.

“Only you would be happy about seeing your car again.” he mused.

“Shush, I’m reuniting with her.” I glared at him playfully, patting the steering wheel. “There, there, baby. I’m here now.” I kissed the steering wheel, and Kyle chuckled beside me. I gave him a goofy grin before putting the car in gear, and driving out of the airport parking lot.

“So, according to the map, Thornhill Academy Estates is about thirty kilometres south of here.” Kyle said as he popped open a map he purchased at the airport.

“Or we could follow the sign that says ‘Thornhill, left turn’.” I mused and he glared daggers at me. I chuckled as I made the turn.

“I can’t wait to see who my roommate is.” Kyle said after awhile of silent driving and listening to the radio.

“Neither can I really. I hope I don’t get a bitch.” I sighed, remembering that I had to share a locker with one of the snobbiest girls in school at home. Kyle chuckled and nudged my side.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine, Kitty.” I cringed as he smirked.

“If you call me that at this school I swear to god I’m gunna hurt you in every physical way possible.” I growled, tightening my grip on the wheel.

“Okay, chill. No calling you Kitty.” he laughed and I relaxed slightly.

“It’s an insult to what we are anyway.” I mumbled.

A few minutes later we were in front of a large gate with a sign that read “Thornhill Academy Estates” on the side. I rolled down my window and pressed a button on a callbox at the side of the gate.

“Hello, Thornhill Academy Estates. How may I help you?” a female voice echoed through the speaker.

“Um, hi. I’m Skylar Thomas. Me and my friend Kyle Parker are enlisted to start at Thornhill Academy next month, but we had to come early because of…Personal issues.” I stammered into the speaker. It crackled and the gate squeaked and squealed in protest as it opened slowly.

“Ah yes, Ms. Thomas and Mr. Parker. We’ve been expecting you. Please, come through, and meet with the head master at the front entrance. He will be waiting for you there.” the woman spoke again cheerily.

I mumbled my thank you and drove through the gate slowly, making my way through the large empty parking lot. I parked in the second row down from the buildings, locking my doors when we stepped out and viewed our surroundings.

“This place is freaking huge.” Kyle said in awe.

“No shit.” I replied, gaping at the three huge buildings in front of us.

“Language, Ms. Thomas.” A male voice chuckled from the side of us. I spun on him instantly, suppressing a growl that was lodged in my throat.

“Who are you? And how did you know my name?” I asked coldly as Kyle moved and stood a little ahead of me at my side.

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