Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: According to Plan


Kade’s P.O.V


At sunrise the next morning, everyone was bustling around. Today we would attack and get Skylar back.

The plan was to attack them while they didn’t suspect an attack, and kill everyone who tries to stop us from getting Skylar from wherever she was. Alpha of the rogues on the other hand, needed to be ended, which I was completely for. My goal was to get Skylar, and let the others finish the rest. It wasn’t my fight.

“You ready to go?” Damon asked me as I turned the corner of the house.

“I was ready yesterday, but no one would let me go.” I huffed.

“We needed a strategy first, man. Who knows what they would have done to her before we even got the chance to see her.” Maddox stated from my other side.

“I know.” I replied, ending the conversation then and there.

“We’re going to go on ahead, and attack them head on. You four sneak into their house while they’re distracted and retrieve the girl, and get away safely.” the beta of the Shadow Moon pack stated as he passed us. I nodded my understanding and continued walking towards our destination.

Half an hour into the woods we all shifted into our wolves, running at full speed towards the enemy house 3 hours away. The trees zipped by me, blurring into one continuous string of green. All I could think of was Skylar, and if anyone was harming her.

We were closer now, and I could smell the faint scent of her as we slowed down and crept around the perimeter of the house. I was about to shift into my human form to go in and look for Skylar when several loud growls and howls mixed in the air.

**They knew we were coming!** Damon shouted his thoughts to me as he swiftly jumped out of the way as a wolf came at him from behind.

I growled loudly and head butted the wolf, bowling him over and quickly clamping my jaws around his neck as tight as I could, keeping him pinned to the ground until the struggling stopped. I dashed out to the front yard where all the commotion was, and quickly joined the fight. Wolf by wolf, I dodged and attacked whatever came at me, tearing bits of fur and flesh as I passed.

I briefly noticed Skylar’s father battling with whom I assumed to be the alpha of the rogues, and thoughts of what he did for this to happen filled my mind. I growled at the memories, and whined as I was pounced on by one of the rogues, and part of my flesh was ripped off by their teeth. I growled in rage and kicked the wolf off, tackling him to the ground and wrestling with the wolf, bearing my teeth and chomping at whatever fur I could grasp.

Finally, the wolf was knocked off me, but not before it bit down on my leg hard, causing a snapping sound and a loud howl to escape me. I lunged at the wolf, biting into it’s neck before it had a chance to get up off the ground, and tearing a huge piece of his neck out, leaving him to crumple to the ground, rusty blood spewing from the large open gash.

I looked at the person who knocked the wolf off me, and I realized it was Kyle. I nodded at him as my thanks, and he dashed off again to bowl over another wolf. I dodged several wolves that were coming after me then, when Maddox interrupted my thoughts.

**You should hurry up and go get Skylar before they decide to run off. Their odds aren’t looking too good right now.** he said absently as he was fighting one of the rogues.

With that, I ran into the house, dodging all the wolves that tried to get in my way, and crashed through the door. I looked behind me, and saw that everyone was fighting the rogues off, getting them away from the house. I shifted then, and dashed up the stairs, stopping in every room to see if I could find clothes. I noticed one pair on top of a simple looking dresser, and slid them on before focusing on Skylar’s scent.

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