Chapter 9

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I'm so sorry for the slow update, but school and my new job has been kinda hectic, plus I had a friend over for a few weeks so I didn't have time to get on here or write the new chapter. So here it is! I hope you enjoy it!! Sorry again for being slow!

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Chapter 9: The Enemy


Skylar’s P.O.V


I was numb. Completely, blindly numb. I felt nothing at all, not even the sting of the hot water in the shower would phase me. Me and my brother were close, he was my best friend besides Kyle, and now he was gone, and I couldn’t even go to his funeral. My parents said I was still in too much danger to risk it.

The past week of school passed in a blur. I was distant with everyone, ignored everything except teachers and schoolwork. The rest of the time I sat in the library by myself and stared out the window, thinking about things, and how life really is shit, or running around the woods in my wolf form, letting my wolf take over completely for awhile so I couldn’t think about anything.

Not even Kade and his goons could break me from the cold, numb shell I became. They taunted me, teased me, threatened me, and tried to seduce me, but still nothing they said or did would work.

I was walking around the library, gazing at all the books in the aisle when someone clearing their throat caught my attention. I turned slowly, and came face to face with a ragged looking Kyle.

“Hey.” he said quietly.

“Hi.” I answered.

“What are you doing?” he asked, staring at me intently with sad eyes.

“You haven’t been sleeping.” I stated, ignoring his question as I gazed over his pale face and purple bags under his eyes.

“I’ve been worrying about you.” he answered, smiling sadly.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because you’ve been so distant. Ever since…” he trailed off, not knowing how to confront the issue of my brother being killed. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m fine.” I replied flatly, turning my attention back to the stacks of books on the shelves.

“No, you’re not.” he said, taking my hand gently and forcing me to turn around and face him. “You’re different, Sky. You’re not like yourself.” he added sadly. I took my hand out of his and took a step back. Pain flickered through his eyes for a moment before worry consumed them.

“I’m fine.” I said again, turning and walking away. I heard Kyle sigh somewhere behind me but he never followed me, which I was grateful for.

I walked outside, following my usual path through the woods. A few feet in, I stripped out of my clothes and took the hair buckle out of my hair, fastening my clothes around my ankle. I willed myself to shift, and my body shook and cracked before exploding into my wolf.

On all four paws, I made sure my clothes was still on my ankle and dashed into the forest towards my destination. Home.

The decision wasn’t an easy one. After all, my father was alpha, and I would probably be going on a suicide mission, but it was one I was willing to make. My brother was killed because of me, and I want to know why. But most importantly, I want revenge. It was something I had to do.

Not telling Kyle was also hard on me. He was my best friend, but after I made up my decision, there was no going back, and I wouldn’t let Kyle follow me. By the time he found my note, he would probably try and find me, but by then I’ll probably already be dead.

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