Chapter Two

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Miyuki trampled through town as the storm had passed earlier. She almost fell in a puddle of mud from the storm, but had managed to gain back her balance. Her flip-flops were no good anymore. She pulled them off and kept running with bare feet. Her legs ached and longed to rest, but she had to get away from that damned alchemist, Edward Elric. His brother, too! Miyuki finally bent over and huffed out sour breath. She had just began to realize that she was hungry - really hungry. Her stomach grumbled and she sat down and leaned against a tree. "I wish someone would find me already." She murmured silently. She blew a piece of her purple hair out of her face and closed her eyes. Then they flashed open as she heard a twig snap. Looking up, she leaped to her feet and screamed.

"Gosh! Stop screaming, you banshee!" A man in a blue uniform and black hair stepped out of the woods. "I'm Lt. Roy Mustang." He glared at Miyuki and grabbed her arm. "S-State alchemist.... GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Miyuki shouted and swung around, escaping his grip. "Come back here, girl! I knew your parents, they were-" Before the Lt. could finish his sentence, Miyuki had already ran farther away from him. She sighed a thank you that he didn't use alchemy to catch her. Miyuki knew she couldn't fight back until she had proper alchemy training, but it could take months to find a good alchemist to teach her the proper ways of how to use alchemy. She continued to walk down the streets with bare feet. She had left her shoes behind, now her feet ached and longed to rest. Miyuki walked to a drinking stand on the side of Central and her eyes widened. Damn you!

Miyuki turned away when she saw him. Yes, him. Edward Elric. Along with his damned brother. Miyuki glanced back at them with hatred and stomped away, only to be tapped on the shoulder. She swung around the face the person. "Well, well, isn't it Edward fucking Elric." She clinched her fist together, ready to swing a punch at him at any moment, but Alphonse walked up beside Edward as if protecting him. When Edward didn't reply, Miyuki smirked. She'd piss him off and run off, because he'd be busy being pissed. "Ed... Why are you small? I mean you're like the size of a flea. I can barely see you!" Miyuki exclaimed, hiding her hatred for the boys. Edward's face turned an angry red and he began screaming. "I'M NOT SMALL!" He jumped up and down. "I'M NOT A DAMN FLEA. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!?" Blah, blah, blah! Miyuki ran off when Alphonse and Edward were distracted. But she looked back to see that asshole of a state alchemist running after her, hatred written all over his face.

Miyuki, as fast and excited she was, ran farther than Edward. "Come and get me, asshole!" She screamed back. But Edward and Alphonse were no where in sight. Finally, Miyuki stopped and leaned against a tree. She smirked, "When I'm a fully trained alchemist, I'll kill you Edward and Alphonse Elric. Then I'll take out the military." Miyuki closed her eyes and listened to the river down the hill. She heard a scuffling noise and blinked open her eyes, "Who's there?" She glanced around. A girl stepped out from behind a tree. She had blonde hair in a pony-tail and she was wearing a tank-top and black shorts. "Oh, I apologize if I interrupted anything. My name is Winry Rockbell." The girl smiled and sat down beside Miyuki. "I suppose I shall tell you my name now. It's Miyuki Tanaka." Miyuki whispered with a sigh. Winry gasped, "Edward told me about you."

Miyuki narrowed her eyes at Winry. "What did he say?" She asked, trying be casual. "He said you seemed cool. Then he came back yesterday saying you ran off." Winry replied, frowning. "I don't care about Edward - or Alphonse for that matter! I hate them!" Miyuki stomped off and accidently flipped down the hill, rolling through briars and mud. She closed her eyes, feeling as if she were about to die. Miyuki hadn't realized that she was screaming until she smacked into a tree. The breath was immediately knocked out of her and her vision went blurry. I've gotten into too many horrible situations, she thought to herself as she blacked out with the last cry of Winry, "Miyuki!"

Miyuki slowly awoke to the soft pitter patter of rain against the windows. But where was she? Groaning, she sat up and looked at the bed she was laying on. "Winry?" She huffed out. But there was no sign of anyone in the house. Sighing, she rubbed her head and slowly stood on the ground. Wincing in pain, she made it to the door and opened it. Miyuki walked out and walked down the narrow hallway in pain. There she saw Winry and another girl sitting on two seperate sofas. Wasn't Ed supposed to be here? Ah, who cares, Ed's a loser, Miyuki thought suddenly. Her head pounded with pain and she struggled to stand. "I see you're finally awake." Winry stood up and walked over to help Miyuki. "Yeah." Miyuki breathed. She looked over at the other girl who smiled at her. She had blonde hair with purple, blue, and a bit of some rainbow coloring at the bottom of her hair. She had blue eyes and and she was tall. Grunting, Miyuki looked at Winry. "Who's that girl?" She asked quietly. "Oh, that's my friend Miki. Miki Takara."

"Miki, huh? She looks kind. Is she?" Miyuki turned to Winry. "Yep!" Winry smiled, grabbing Miyuki's hand and pulling her towards Miki. Winry chuckled, "Miki, this is my friend Miyuki!" She smiled. Miyuki tilted her head with a small smile. "Nice to meet you." Miki smiled happily. "You too." Miyuki replied, sighing. Suddenly, Miyuki narrowed her eyes when the door swung open, reaviling Edward and Alphonse. She growled. Winry rushed over to them and smiled. Miki looked over and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and slowly approched them. Miyuki twirled around and scurried down the hallway and into the room where she found herself. She walked over to the window and opened it. "Winry, we didn't know you were here! But we saw this house and we needed some shelter beause a storm is coming. The rain is already bad out there. But, how did you get a house in Central?" Miyuki heard Edward say. The rain outside hit her skin making her flinch. "It was kind of easy, actually." Winry replied. Miyuki slid out of the window and hit the ground a bit roughly. "Wait!" A voice shouted. Miyuki looked up and hissed, "Alphonse, leave me alone! You're just like your brother!"

Miyuki ran through the small trees after she had cut through the woods. She heard footsteps behind her, but she knew that Alphonse hadn't followed her. But even though Miyuki wanted to know the person following her, she didn't dare look back. "Miyuki, stop this! What are you doing!? Do you hate Ed and Al!?" The voice cried from behind. Miyuki tumbled down the hill when she tripped on a briar. "Shit!" She shouted. Miyuki stopped herself by grabbing onto a root. Gasping, she finally looked at the person following her. "Why the hell are you here?" She growled. "Because I want to know!" Miyuki looked at the girl. "What would you want to know from me!?" Miyuki held her grip on the root. "Why do you hate Ed and Al so much? They cause no harm!" The girl hissed down at Miyuki. Clearing her throat angrily, Miyuki replied, "Edward is a state alchemist, I don't like that! Alphonse, however, reminds me of his damned brother, Miki!"

Miki frowned and stomped down to Miyuki. Grabbing her arm, Miki dragged Miyuki up the hill. "Damn you." Miki hissed. "You're crazy! LET. ME. GO!" Miyuki screamed. Miki chuckled and let go of Miyuki's arm, then grabbed her hair. "OW!" Miyuki grabbed her head in pain. "LET GO! LET GO! LET GO!" Miyuki cried. "You don't know how crazy I am." Miki laughed happily. Miyuki held her scalp tighter until they reached the top of the hill. "I want you to speak to them." Miki said, letting go of Miyuki's hair. Miyuki, wincing in pain, stood up. "Who?" She asked tiredly. "Them." Miki swung around and pointed to a few figures that were standing there. "I AM NOT TALKING TO ED AND AL! I HATE THEM!" Miyuki turned to leave but Miki grabbed her. Miyuki kicked at the ground and waved her arms in the air angrily, trying to get away. Ed walked up and grabbed Miyuki's arm, "Why do you hate us so much?"

Miyuki growled and hissed at him, "Because you're one of those military dogs! I despise the military!" Edward frowned and beckoned Alphonse to come over. Al nodded and walked over to his brother. "Because you're parents were killed by them?" Alphonse asked calmly, sighing. "Yes, now let me go, MIKI!" Miyuki shouted frustratingly. Miki giggled and held onto Miyuki. Edward sighed and told Miki to give up. "If she hates us, then she hates us, we can't do anything about that. Let her go." He explained, and suddenly Miyuki's heart ached. Miki let go of Miyuki and she ran off. "I hate you," she murmured, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!"

Shuffling her feet angrily, Miyuki kicked pebbles off the sidewalk and scratched her head where Miki pulled her hair. She sighed tiredly and wondered how long it had been since she had washed. Oh well it doesn't matter now, I have no home, so I can't wash anywhere. Miyuki thought sadly. She knew she couldn't stay with Winry, because Ed and Al might be there. Maybe even Miki. I need a proper alchemist to train me for revenge. Miyuki thought, huffing. She wondered if she could ask anyone. Thinking, she wondered who to ask for an alchemist trainer. With terrible realization, she knew that the only people that would know, would be the state military.

Unknown Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora