Chapter Seven

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"Miyuki!?" Edward turned to Miyuki as if struck by a bullet. "Is something wrong?" Mustang inturrupted. "No, nothing at all." Miyuki grumbled, walking out. "Don't you want to get to know your tutor?" Mustang called. "I already know him. Believe me." Miyuki sighed and turned down the hallway, out of Mustang's office. "Wait, wait!" It was Alphonse - then Ed intruded. "Please listen to me," Ed shook Miyuki shoulders and she stopped. Shrugging him off, Miyuki scurried out of the building and breathe din the warm, fresh air of nature. "Brother, should we leave her alone? It was a shock - Mustang never told us that we were to be her teacher." Miyuki overheard Al say. "Actually, this might be a little... fun." Miyuki smirked, whipping around to face them.

"Fun?" Ed and Al's eyes widened. "Yes, shorty-" Miyuki watched Ed's face turn an angry red, but continued to talk over his fussing. "-I know you aren't the ones who killed my parents, but still Ed, you are a state alchemist." Miyuki twirled around and smiled. "Fun. This will be fun." Miyuki turned away. "Meet me here tomorrow morning!" She called, vanishing among the crowd of people on the Central streets.

Sighing, Miyuki found the spot in the woods where she last slept. It wasn't comfortable, it wasn't enough to make her happy, but it was a place to sleep and rest. Her stomach grumbled slightly. She'd have to go back to town and maybe earn some money. She couldn't go on being greedy by making Miki and Winry by the food for her. Rubbing her head, Miyuki groaned and began walking back into town. The walk into the woods was for nothing.

Her legs ached from walking a while. But she had walked longer in the past. Thinking back, she remembed that old woman - Miyuki had forgotten her name - and the first time she met Ed and Al. Funny how she thought Al had been hiding in the suit of armor, but no, he was the armor. She remembered when Ed and Al took her from Resembool to Central. But she didn't know if they had taken her on the train when she had blacked out for a couple of days. Wow, Envy sure did injure Miyuki, and only with one, hard punch.

Miyuki walked around town looking for 'hiring' signs, but found nothing. But, to her relief, she spotted a little store with a sign on it. They were hiring. Happily, she bounded over and walked in. "Hello miss, how can I help you?" A lady looked up from her table. Miyuki realized this was an alchemy library. "Damit!" Miyuki murmured. "Hello, I saw your hiring sign! I want to work here!" Miyuki smiled. "Are you an alchemist? Or a state alchemist? If you're a state alchemist there's a library down there only for state alchemist." The lady sighed. "Actually, I'm an alchemist in training..." Miyuki's voice trailed away.

"Ah. Who's your tutor? Or is that too personal?" The lady stood up. "My tutor is Edward Elric, miss." Miyuki replied, glancing around the room. "I've heard about him. Fullmetal - yeah, Fullmetal Alchemist right?" The lady whispered. "I think so, ma'am." Miyuki giggled. "You'll be a strong alchemist then. You're hired. You can start tomorrow." The lady said, "Besides, it's only me and you that work here. It used to only be me. And uh, you may call me Sakura." The lady walked over to Miyuki with a smile.

Miyuki sat down and stretched. "I'll get paid for this, right?" Miyuki asked awkwardly. Ino nodded and stuck her nose back into her book. Miyuki stood up with a yawn and walked down the rows of books. She looked at all the alchemy books. From the forbidden taboos to the Philosopher's Stone. Sighing she grabbed a random book and walked back over to the table. Sitting down in a huff, she began to read silently and the room became and awkward silence.

Miyuki waved goodbye to Ino and walked out of the library, relieved to smell the fresh air instead of that musty smell in the library. Scratching her head, Miyuki muttered, "I need a bath." She ran across the street and deep into the woods. Deeper than usual. She heard the soft, gentle lapping over the water in a nearby lake. She ran towards it and sighed. "I cannot believe I'm doing this." She muttered. "Damn me."

After her bathing in the lake, Miyuki slipped her clothes back on and walked back into town. She took the band on her wrist and tied her hair in a pony-tail. Breathing tiredly, she made her way up the hill and up into Central. Rushing through the crowd of people, she tried rememberingw the path to Winry's house. She ran along the grassy pathway and farther away from town.

When she made it to Winry's house, Miyuki gained back her breath and walked inside. Winry peeked out from a room and smiled. "Hi Miyuki!" She said happily. "Hey. Mind if I stay with you for a while?" Miyuki asked in return. "Sure. Stay as long as you want, but I'm only going to be in Central for to more days. Then I guess you'll have to follow Ed and Al again or live with Miki." Winry shrugged. "Oh. Well.." Miyuki sighed and took a seat on the sofa polietly.

"I got a job at that alchemy library down in Central," Miyuki explained, "And I don't want to sleep in the woods anymore." Winry nodded. "It's ok." She smiled. Miyuki felt a little comfortable. "Winry, can I ask you a question?" Miyuki muttered. "Yeah. Anything." Winry replied, blinking. "Do you like Ed? Be-" Miyuki was cut of by Winry's fussing. "Why would you ask that?" She complained. "I don't!" She hissed. Chuckling, Miyuki watched Winry gain back her calmness. "Now what were you saying?"

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