Chapter Four

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How many days was it? Three or four? Or less? Or more? Miyuki took a sip of the water a nice woman had lended her. Setting the bottle down, she stared around the busy streets of Central. When was her tutor coming? She had almost forgotten over night, but soon she remembered and she was off again. Sighing, she clutched her water bottle tightly, dragging along the sidewalk. Alphonse brought a smile back to her face. He was a human being even if no one else thought he was. His soul should be enough edvidence for human life! Miyuki's eyes went dark and a scowl appeared on her face. "He's human," she hissed under her breath, "He's human!"

With her legs aching, Miyuki had to find a place to rest. She quickly took another sip of her water bottle and looked across the street. "Young girl," The voice scared her and Miyuki leaped to her feet. It was only an old woman. The old woman smiled. "Would you like a bow?" She asked raspily but sweetly. Miyuki smiled and looked at the bows. There was a blue one, a yellow one, a purple one, a red one, and a green one. "May I have the red one, miss?" Miyuki asked kindly. The old woman handed her the bow. "Do I need to pay?" Miyuki's voice trailed away like mist in a dark sky. "No, young lady. Enjoy your bow." The old woman smiled and tied Miyuki's hair up in the red bow. "Thank you..." Miyuki nodded. "That purple hair of yours is perfect for that bow. You're a beautiful young lady." With that, the old woman hobbled off.

Miyuki fiddled with her hair and hummed and skipped down Central. "Hey, Miyuki!" She turned to see what she didn't want to see. Ignoring them, she turned and walked off. She ran behind the building of an old shop and eavesdropped on the boys. "I knew she hated us - come on Al, let's go." Ed was saying. "Brother, wait! She's a nice girl!" Alphonse objected. "Well maybe she likes you but she doesn't like me. Besides, I have to see Roy tomorrow for something. There's no time for that girl." Edward sighed and began to walk off. Eyes watering, Miyuki remembered the sudden pain and what Al had said. "We tried bringing mother back, but as you see, we failed." He had said at the lake. Remembering the smiles on her own parents' faces, she ran off crying. She would not pull the forbidden taboo - not only because she didn't know how, her parents had told her to never try it, alchemist or not.

"Odd seeing you here." Miki chuckled. "Not you again!" Miyuki had bumped into Miki when she rounded the corner. Wiping her eyes, she looked at Miki. "Nice bow, where'd you get it?" Miki smiled and sat down on a bench. "A lady," Miyuki grumbled, chugging the last bit of water in her bottle. Miki smirked, "Do you like Edward or Alphonse?" Suddenly suprised by Miki's question, Miyuki shook her head. "No. Why would I?" She gave Miki a death glare and stood up. "Wait, wanna hang out?" Miki poked Miyuki's shoulder. "No." Miyuki hissed. "Please!" Miki begged. "No." Miyuki said angrily. "Pleeeeeaaasssseeee!!" Miki bugged Miyuki until she finally said 'Fine'. Groaning, Miyuki watched as Miki smiled creepily.

"I'm not doing it!" Miyuki shouted at Miki. "Why not? Just steal the two sandwiches and leave! Simple!" Miki sighed. "NO!" Miyuki stomped away from Miki but Miki only followed her. With a sigh, Miyuki rolled her eyes. "I'm actually pretty hungry though." Miyuki admitted. "Okay I have money." Miki smiled. Miyuki's eye twitched. "You have money and you told me to STEAL!?" Miyuki shouted, raising a fist in the air. "Oh please." Miki chuckled, "Let's go eat." Miki took the lead into town and Miyuki trailed silently behind, tired from everything. She had wanted a peaceful day - but she had ran into Edward and Alphonse, now Miki. What next?

Gulping down her sandwich hungrily, Miyuki took a sip of her new bottle of water Miki bought for her. Miki, already finished eating, smiled. "Now where shall we go?" She asked. Miyuki shrugged and stood up, grabbing her water. "How about Winry's house?" Miki suggested. "No." Miyuki trailed away and started walking around town some more. She longed to see Al again, but Ed would keep him away. Miyuki narrowed her eyes when Miki inturrupted her thoughts. "What?" Miyuki asked, noticing Miki had been talking. "I just wanted to tell you that Alphonse is over there." Miki said, pointing to the side of a building. Good, no sign of Ed! Rushing over to Al, she whispered something to him the skipped back over to Miki, sending Al a death glare for Miki to see, then smiled at him when Miki turned away.

When Ed came back to Al he was saying something with a smile, but Miyuki vanished into an alley and Miki went over to see Ed and Al. Finally alone, she raced down the alley way and into the woods towards the lake. That was her new home until she had a true home, not just a lake to sleep at. Tripping over roots, she got a bit dirty but that didn't matter much to Miyuki. When she got to the lake, she drank more of her water and laid down. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and tried to imagine happy thoughts.

Miyuki awoke to the sound of armored footsteps. Realizing she had fallen asleep, she looked up to see Al. She wiped her eyes and smiled. "Glad you made it." Miyuki smiled. "Where's Ed?" She asked tiredly. "I convinced Winry and Ed to go shopping with Miki." Al laughed. Giggling, Miyuki picked up a stick a threw it in the water. "So what was Ed talking to you about beside the building? He seemed happy." Miyuki whispered. "I'll tell you later. We need more details from Mustang first." Al replied, poking at the water. "I wish I could get in water." He said sadly. "Why can't you?" Miyuki asked. "It will wash my blood seal away."

"Blood seal?" Miyuki tilted her head. "It's what keeps my soul in this armor." Al replied. "Oh. My father never told me about that, he didn't really teach me alot about forbidden alchemy." Miyuki said, fiddling with her fingers. "He never wanted me to learn it, he thought I would try it. But I promised him I wouldn't. But he still didn't teach me." She finished with a sigh. Like a thorn, the memory pierced her heart. "Al, are you happy to be my friend?" Miyuki asked suddenly. "Well, yeah. Why?" Al looked over at Miyuki. "I've never really had friends before. Winry and Miki are kind to me and so are you. I want to like Ed and be his friend but I cannot forgive him for being a state alchemist." Miyuki sniffled.

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