Chapter Ten

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"Are you ready?" Edward asked as Miyuki slowly approached the doorway. "For what?" She asked, tilting her head. "To show Mustang your alchemy." Alphonse responded, walking up. "But I haven't even gotten to learn anything-!" Miyuki protested. "Seriously, Yuki? I'm sure you've gotten enough experience with all that's happened." Edward rolled his eyes and opened the door. "Bye Russel, Miki, Winry, and Fletcher!" Miyuki called, following Ed and Al. "When did it start snowing?" She asked, shivering. "Last night." Edward laughed, "Isn't the snow beautiful?"

Miyuki stretched her arms and let the snow fall on her tounge. She giggled. "Don't get too excited, remember, you have to show Mustang what is truly in your heart," Ed raised and eyebrow. "Thanks for the heartfelt lesson. I'm so sad!" Miyuki said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. Ed just laughed and followed down the path. "Al, can I ask you a question?" Miyuki blinked.

"What?" Alphonse whispered. "What's been wrong with you lately?" Miyuki repeated with a sigh. Before Al could reply, Ed grabbed Miyuki's wrist and pulled her up beside him. He leaned down. "Sakura is okay. By the way." He murmured in her ear. "Don't change the subject! What's wrong with Al?" Miyuki shouted, anger fluttering through her skin. Ed ignored her and walked on.

Miyuki rubbed her head, thinking. What did Alphonse think about everyday? His dead mother? She let out a sigh of failure and continued to walk towards Central. "Ed, this way," Miyuki said, grabbing his hand. "Central is this way." She finished, running up a hill. "Coming!" Ed hissed from behind. For the while up the snowy hill, Alphonse didn't say anything, nor did he speak. Now, Miyuki would get to the bottom of Al's depression.

"Smile." Miyuki told Ed. "Why?" He groaned in reply. "Because I want you to be happy for me," Miyuki scratched her head. "But I already am." Edward blinked. "Me too," Al cut in. "You talked! Finally!" Miyuki chuckled, hugging his cold armor. "Shit!" Miyuki exclaimed, jumping back. "You're cold!" For a second, Miyuki thought she heard a giggle from Al, but maybe it was all her imagination.

"Bye shorty," Miyuki teased as they walked up to the military building, "I'll see you in a little." Edward's eyes twitched in frustration and Miyuki chuckled. "Good luck." Al whispered, calming his brother. "Thanks," Miyuki laughed, "See you." She bounded into the building and scurried down the hallways, searching for Lt. Mustang's office. When she finally found it, she walked in and a nervous feeling went through her.

"Ready?" Mustang asked with a smirk. "Sure...?" Miyuki bit her lip in annoyance. Did he really think she'd impress him? She glanced around nervously as Mustang explained what she had to do and blah blah blah. Miyuki blinked with a gulp wishing Al and Ed and never talked her into this. She scratched her head in embarrassment at the thought of failing. Would she fail? Well, it was a probable chance that she would.

Miyuki walked down the battle area slowly as Mustang sat on a bench, watching. He had given her a person the fight with. He was like a stranger to Miyuki, giving her the creeps. "And..." Mustang held up a finger. "Go!" He shouted. In an instant, the stranger lunged at Miyuki, but she dodged, feeling fear rise up in her stomach. She was going to die! She leaped to her feet and felt something slash at her shoulder. She glanced at her attacker and saw he had the ability to create a sword. She felt her shoulder go limp, but she wouldn't give up that easily.... Right......?

After a long time of trying to impress Mustang, all of Miyuki's attempts had seemed to fail. "Come." Mustang shouted across the field. Miyuki trailed towards Mustang. Her body ached and she screeched in pain as she made it to the bench. "You did well," Mustang commented. "I did?" Miyuki's eyes lit up in surprise. "Yes." He nodded. "Yes! Nailed it!" Miyuki whispered to herself. "Not quite though." Mustang blinked.

"Why?" Miyuki frowned. "The attacker hit you more than you hit him." Mustang explained, sighing. "I couldn't help it! I haven't had much training!" Miyuki growled in fury. Mustang stood up and dusted off his uniform. "I know. Go back to Ed and Al. I should think about how well you actually did," He added. "Fine." Miyuki rolled her eyes and walked off the battlefield and around the military building to a waiting Ed and Al.

"Wake the fuck up!" Miyuki laughed, eyes gleaming. Edward and Alphonse shot up in an instant and wiggled their way to their feet. "How did you do?" Ed asked, rubbing his eyes. "Fine thank you." Miyuki bit her lip in sarcasm. Edward glanced at the ground and then to Al, who nodded. Miyuki blinked in curiosity. Were they thinking the same thing?

"Miyuki, I want to ask you a question." Edward said in embarrassment. "What?" Miyuki's stomach flip-flopped. "Um.. Actually Al will ask you." Edward declared, jumping back in amused laughter. "Brother, no!" Al objected. "You ask her!" Al exclaimed, pushing Ed towards Miyuki. Ed tripped and fell onto Miyuki, making her gasp. "Sorry, brother!" Alphonse gulped. Edward's face turned a hot red and it seemed like years before Ed ever got off Miyuki.

Miyuki stumbled back and smiled shakily. Edward jumped behind Al in embarrassment. "I'm sorry." Al apologized again. "I-It's ok." Miyuki nodded. Ed seemed to shrink and Miyuki blushed and laughed. "Ed! You need to drink some milk or-" She was cut off by an outraged Edward Elric. Alphonse looked away and Ed raced forward and held up his fist. "Really?" Miyuki rolled her eyes. Edward straightened out his hands and put them on Miyuki's red cheeks. "Don't slap me!" Miyuki protested. "He isn't." Alphonse murmured from somewhere. "Then wha-" She was cut off again by another Edward Elric, but instead, his lips crashed against hers.

[End of story. Yes, I know. Only ten chapters? I had to end it soon because I don't update a lot. Hope you liked the ending, though. Anyway, I might make a sequel to it because I already have plans to make one. Thanks, love you!]

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