Chapter Six

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Today was the day. Miyuki took in a deep breath and sat under the tree. She'd meet her alchemy teacher today. But Mustang told her she could stop by his office and go whenever she needed to. But Miyuki had just woken up earlier, she didn't want to go see who her teacher was now. She wanted rest, no matter how much she longed to see her teacher. Standing up stubbornly, Miyuki began walking back to the busy parts of Central. Her mind whirled with exciting and uneasy thoughts. Frustrated, she stomped towards town.

Miyuki yawned and crossed the street. Her stomach growled loudly and she rubbed her eyes and let her hair down, putting the hair band on her wrist. It was hard not to sit down anywhere and fall asleep, but she had to walk a while before she could go see her teacher.

Groaning, Miyuki saw Miki and she waved. Running over to Miyuki, Miki began talking about stuff Miyuki didn't care about. "Hush, Miki." Miyuki sighed, clutching the bottom of her shirt in fury. "Fine. I can tell you're hungry." Miki raised an eyebrow and snapped. Laughing, Miki took Miyuki arm and led her into a sandwhich shop. "It's cool hanging out with you." Miki said as the bought some sandwiches. "Yeah." Miyuki shrugged.

Licking her lips, Miyuki snickered. "That was good!" She exclaimed brightly. Miki smiled and went back to eating. Miyuki chugged a sip of her water and waited for Miki to finish. The door to the sandwich shop rang and in stepped Winry. "Hi, Winry!" Miki and Miyuki greeted. "Oh, hi guys! You hungry, too?" Winry smiled. "Yep. I have a meeting with Mustang later." Miyuki chuckled. "For what?" Winry slid in a seat beside Miki and Miyuki with a sandwich.

"I'm getting a tutor for alchemy. I want to learn. No big deal." Miyuki laughed. Miki and Winry exchanged pale glances then looked at Miyuki with shaky smiles. "Is...... something.. wrong?" Miyuki blinked. "No, sorry." Miki smiled, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Oh." Miyuki smiled, but she knew there'd be trouble. It said it in Miki and Winry's glances. But what kind of trouble?

"Okay guys, I'm going to go." Miyuki waved. "Okay. Be careful!" Winry and Miki called. Miyuki ran off towards the military building. What kind of trouble? Her mind came up with dofderent examples, but none seemed to fit. Closing her eyes, she sighed, then opened them again. Hopefully it was no deep trouble that Miyuki was getting herself into.

When she walked in the building, Miyuki walked to Mustang's office and opened the door silently. She shut the door behind her and walked over to Mustang. Besides him, the room was empty. Her teacher was not here. "Your tutor will be here in a few minutes." Mustang said, as if reading Miyuki's mind. Miyuki nodded and stood there awkwardly. "Go sit," Mustang laughed and pointed to a chair in the corner of a room. "Right." Miyuki said, scurrying over to the empty chair.

Miyuki waited patiently and listened to the clock tick. Mustang seemed to be bored, too. "So what have you been up to?" Mustang inturrupted the silence with a yawn. "Nothing really." Miyuki replied sadly. "Hm." Mustang played with his pen. Sighing, Miyuki fiddled with her fingers and swung her feet like a swing on the ground. The door opened and a tall man stepped in. "Miyuki... her tutor is here, sir." He said with a salute. "Already, Havoc?" Mustang stood up. "I thought he was on a mission. Did he fail again!?" Mustang rubbed his head as if in shame.

"No, sir. He got here early." Havoc said. So it's a male, Miyuki thought. Wow. Shrugging, she stood up. "I want him to come in." Miyuki said to Mustang and Havoc. "Fine. Come in!" Mustang called. A small figure stepped in, along with a big figure. Sucking in a hateful breath, Miyuki shouted, "Edward and Alphonse Elric!?"

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