Chapter Nine

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"Miyuki, come here." Edward sighed. Miyuki hopped out of bed and followed Edward out of the guest room. "Someone's here to see you." Ed explained, pointing into the living room. "Okay, go check on Al." Miyuki whispered. Ed nodded and disappeared down the hallway as Miyuki trailed into the living room. "Hello, miss Miyuki." A voice echoed in the room. "Mustang-?" Miyuki gasped, quickly sitting down on a sofa. "How've you been?" He asked, standing up and walking over to her. "I'm no fool," Miyuki spat, leaping to her feet, "Stop messing with me, Envy!" Miyuki swung a punch at the disguised Envy, but he moved to the side and turned back into his real form. "I need to get Mustang's personality right." Envy sneered, lunging forward.

"Damn you!" Miyuki shouted, rolling to the side so Envy wouldn't hit her. "Did I mention I brought along some friends?" Envy snickered, dodging Miyuki's punches and kicks. "Wha-?" Before Miyuki could scream for help, a hand wrapped around her mouth. She kicked and screamed as best as she could, but Envy keep waving his finger and shaking his head. "Not this time, no," Envy laughed. Miyuki felt a tear squeeze out of her purple eyes and she thought this was the end. But apparently she was wrong. "You bastards, get the hell away from Yuki!"

Miyuki smiled underneath the hand that was holding her mouth when Edward winked at her. Alphonse stepped in right behind his brother, giving a polite glance at Miyuki. The hand uncovered Miyuki's mouth and lifted up in the air as if it was going to punch or even slap her. "Not this time, no," Miyuki repeated Envy's words proudly and ducked as the hand came swinging down. "Nice move, but not good enough," A female's voice snarled from behind her. "Hell no, Lust!" A male's voice interrupted. "I want to eat her." It finished. "No, Gluttony, this is my fight," The female hissed. Miyuki frowned. The homunculi were here. All of them.

While Lust and Gluttony argued, Miyuki thought back to the library. The book she had read was about basic alchemy. Beginners kind. Ed looked over to see what Miyuki was doing and whispered something to Al. The next thing Miyuki knew was that a piece of chalk was thrown at her. Edward and Alphonse jumped back into the fight with Envy, and she had noticed that even Lust and Gluttony were fighting the two brothers. Gritting her teeth, Miyuki thought back to the circle in the book and drew it as best as she could. Alchemy. She had the power of alchemy now.

The light began to glow furiously and Envy, Lust, and Gluttony fell to the ground as if something at hit them. Edward and Alphonse gasped in shock and Miyuki opened her eyes slowly to see what was happening. The light had faded and there were poles that had been stabbed into Envy, Lust, and Gluttony's stomachs. Miyuki's eyes widened, but she knew Edward could've done that - but even if he did, homunculi didn't die that easily. She stood up and told Edward and Alphonse to run and get Winry, and she waited. They had to hurry before the homunculi could gain back their balance. When she heard footsteps she called, "Follow me!" and raced outside.

Miyuki looked behind to make sure Ed, Winry, and Alphonse were following her. She let out a thankful sigh that they were. Miyuki raced into town and towards the state military building. She was going, but she wasn't staying. Her heart began to pound as she reached the building and pushed Edward, Alphonse, and Winry inside. "Come on, Yuki!" Edward shouted, grabbing her arm. Miyuki pulled away and shook her head. "Good luck," Miyuki whispered and raced off with Edward calling her name. She made sure that Envy and them weren't following her and tumbled into the woods.

"Don't say anything." A hand covered her mouth and Miyuki started to panic. She was dragged deeper into the woods. Her bare arms and legs were getting scratched and she winced. "The homonculi are trouble." Miyuki recognized the voice as a male. She closed her eyes until the hand slowly uncovered her mouth and pulled her into a small cabin. The door closed behind her and she bit her lip as she fell onto a sofa. "I'm Russel, and this is my little brother, Fletcher. I think we've met before."

"Yeah! When I followed that cat down to the lake." Fletcher protested with a smile. "Yep," Miyuki rubbed her head. "Why'd you bring me here?" She asked. Russel shrugged. "You could've died. After all, those homonculi were after you." He said. Fletcher nodded in agreement. "I guess." Miyuki sniffled. "I hope they're ok." She muttered. "Who?" Fletcher and Russel inturrupted. "Ed, Al, and Win. Also, Miki. Haven't seen her in a while." Miyuki explained.

"Ah, I know Edward and Alphonse, but I don't think I've met that Miki and Winry girl before." Russel blinked, standing up. "You should get some sleep now. It's getting somewhat late, okay? By the way, what's your name? I don't know if you've already told me." Russel called before walking off. "Miyuki, and alright," Miyuki said, dragging herself to her feet. Fletcher took Miyuki's hand and led her to a small bed in a little room. "Sorry it isn't much." Fletcher sighed, standing at the doorway. "No, it's ok." Miyuki smiled.

"Please, be ok, guys." Miyuki muttered, rolling around in the bed uneasily. "Please." She begged silently. Fletcher had helped Miyuki get in bed a little, and he had vanished. Right now, Miyuki had no idea where Russel and Fletcher were. But maybe they were still in the house. Hopefully. But right now, Miyuki was worried about Ed and the others. She hoped they were okay. Maybe they really were. Her eyes adjusted to the darkened room and soon Miyuki felt herself falling into a dreamless sleep.

When she awoke, Miyuki rubbed her groggily eyes and trailed out of bed and slowly down the hallway like a zombie. "Hey! I'm glad to hear you're ok!" A voice giggled and soon enough Miyuki had been wrapped into a hug. Miyuki blinked and squinted at the figure. "Miki? What are you doing here?" Her eyes widened in surprise. "I invited her here. Along with Winry, Ed, and Al. You said you hoped they were ok, right?" A voice answered. Miyuki turned around to see Russel. "Right."

"The military let us stay there last night, then we got a call from Russel. Said you hoped we were ok," Edward explained with a grin. "Yeah.." Miyuki muttered nervously. She glanced at Alphonse with a slight smile, hoping he'd look at her, but he didn't. She frowned and felt someone grab her hand. "He's just a little off today, that's all." Miyuki realized she was looking up at a smiling Winry. "Oh. Okay." Miyuki sighed, stretching her arms.

Unknown Alchemist (Fullmetal Alchemist)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang