Chapter 1: First Night In

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Robyn finally unpacked the last box which was labelled 'misc' for miscellaneous items in her new apartment located in downtown Los Angeles. For the past year, Robyn has been living with her best friend, Melissa, in her apartment because she had just gotten the courage to move across the country to open up a boutique shop. This has been her dream since she was little.

Robyn Rihanna Fenty was a dreamer for sure. She has a great eye with clothing which led her to become a designer. On top of that, she can sing her lungs out too but a life as a designer was what she wanted to pursue. She's slowly building up this empire and she's very proud to say that most of the clothes that she sells, she designed herself. She aims to eventually have every single item in her store from the 'Fenty' line. Thanks to social media, her store's popularity is slowly and steadily increasing. For a 25-year old woman who moved from Barbados to the United States at the age of 16, it really was not bad.

She stood up and went to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine. Oh how much she needed it. Every night for the past week whenever she comes home from work, she's been unpacking and basically organizing this little apartment of hers. She felt very proud of herself. The only help she got was from the movers to bring the heavy appliances but all the work was hers. It was her hard-earned money that got her the apartment in the first place.

She plumped herself on her chocolate-brown couch from Pottery Barn but before she got herself comfortable, she heard her phone ring from her bedroom.

"Ugh I can't get a damn break!" Robyn whined as she let herself get the phone.

She looked down on the screen and it was her best friend Melissa.

"What up, boo! Are you done?!"

"Yes, actually, thanks a lot for being so helpful!!"

"Hoe, shut up. You know I've been busy too! It's okay though, I'll make it up to you. You wanna get dinner tonight or what?"

"Umm maybe tomorrow? I can't tonight! I'm so dead."

"Okay, tomorrow it is! You better look hot cause I might want to go to a club after."

"That's not a surprise."

She looked at her perfectly made bed and realized that this will be the first night when she can really get a proper sleep and can actually sleep in. Oh how it looked so comfortable, it's practically calling out her name. Robyn placed her glass of wine at the table beside her bed and made herself comfortable under the comforters. Everything seemed to be perfect tonight so far. The California weather in March seem to be just perfect. She looked at the alarm clock next to her glass of wine. It displayed: 7:30 PM.

"Still early" she thought, "I can probably take a 30 minute nap and then prepare some dinner after."


I got a bone to pick

I don't want you monkey-mouth motherfuckers sittin' in my throne again

Robyn was awakened by the loud bass of Kendrick Lamar's 'King Kunta' but being groggy, she couldn't quite track where that deafening noise was coming from.

"What the fuck!" she yelled

Ever since she was little, she hated when people woke her up. That's usually where the morning fights with her mom, Monica, came from. She tells herself that she's a morning person and she is, she just doesn't like being disturbed. She'd rather have the alarm clock blast until she's conscious or she'll just wake up naturally by herself.

Bitch, where you when I was walkin'?

Now I run the game got the whole world talkin', King Kunta

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