Chapter 2: Overnight Stay

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Aubrey Drake Graham is a night owl, it usually comes with his job as a record producer. His love for music started out young but because he lived in Canada, he knew could not do much with his career of choice if he stayed there. Music was an escape for him. His parents got divorced when he was young. The separation was the hardest part he dealt with; there were times when his father was supposed to pick him up but he never seemed to show much interest in taking care of him and just did not show up. Out of desperation, he begged his mother, Sandra, at the age of 18 to move to Los Angeles and start a career.

Not even a year after his move, he already found a full-time position under Def Jam. He was that good. Now, at the age of 26, he could not ask for anything more. His weeks are filled with work, friends, and an occasional companion here and there. He's never been one to settle down, it wasn't his scene. All the couple-y, sappy, romantic shit that he sees does not fit him, he prefers the casual companion of beautiful women.

Aubrey slowly closed his door as he watched his neighbor walk inside his apartment wearing a fitted, stripped onesie. She definitely walked with confidence. Robyn quickly took a glance at his place. The layout was definitely similar but hers was just a tad bit bigger. "Good job, Robyn" she thought to herself, mentally giving herself a pat on the back for getting the bigger apartment. This was definitely a bachelor pad. A little upscale bachelor pad actually - dark walls, big flat screen television, no pictures of any family members, a big poster of Al Pacino's Scarface, and even a wine cooler. The living room itself screams single. Before she got the breakfast bar, she took out the hair-tie that was holding her long, black hair together and placed it around her wrist like a bracelet. She literally needed to let her hair down.

"A guy with a wine cooler that's blasting Kendrick Lamar at 12:30 in the morning, explain that to me." Robyn giggled as she sat herself down by the breakfast bar

"First off, don't shade on the cooler. It holds the best champagne. Plus, what do you have against Kendrick?"

"Nothing, just wondering.." she paused but was interrupted by her new neighbor

"Tell me about yourself."

"You say that like it's a command." Robyn replied as she raised her eyebrow

"It is actually." he looked at her and winked, which made her roll her eyes, "I mean, do you wanna sleep now?"

With both of her arms crossed against her chest, she realized that she was not going to get sleep anytime soon. Given that she's not really used to sleeping on a new bed, sleep isn't going to come easy tonight. She probably won't be comfortable knowing that a complete stranger is not too far while she gets her beauty rest.

"I answer yours, you answer mine." she said as she pouted her lips for a second, giving him a mischievous smile

Before Aubrey can say anything, her stomach started growling. "FUCK, this is embarrassing." she thought.

"I blame this on you. I had planned on making dinner after a nap that was supposed to only be 20 minutes." she told him

Aubrey didn't mind it, he gave her a smile and headed to the fridge. Again, he thought it was cute. Robyn buried her head between her hands from embarrassment.

"You want some eggs and bacon? Probably a toast too?" he asked as he looked through what he has in the fridge

"Yeah at 8 am I want that. You eat breakfast food for dinner?"

"Fact #1: I don't really know how to cook much besides the breakfast range."

"You're gonna need my gran-gran's cookbook cause that's a sad life you're headed to! Breakfast for dinner? Get outta here." she joked

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