Chapter 18: Unsaid

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"Hey, I have something very important to tell you tonight." she texted Aubrey before she shifted her attention on the work she was doing before.

It was 4pm that day and Aubrey sat on his couch with Chubbs as they watched some ESPN highlights. His iPhone lit up from the dark brown coffee table where their feet rested. Given that Robyn's pretty much been the only one who's been texting him, a smiled appeared from his face as he reached to get his phone.

"You look hella sprung." Chubbs mentioned, not taking his eyes off the shot Kyle Lowry made from the highlights.

"Shut up and don't me regret of telling you."

His faced changed slightly, seeing as to how serious this particular text was compared to their usual conversations.

"She's been pretty open to you..what a difference for once huh?"

"I know, finally right?"

It took him longer to get the hang of finally being so carefree about his feelings around her. For some reason, he seems like he's still holding back just a little bit more than her given that Robyn doesn't have a very good history of being decisive. Being played or being heart broken is really not what he wants. Plus, the fact that this has been the girl of his dreams made it harder. It would be a lot worse than anything he's every experienced before if they do not workout for a reason.

"Shockingly open, don't you think?"

"That's not a bad thing, though. We have this understanding, I don't think you'll understand."

"Has she brok-" Chubbs was cut off.

"Let's not go there right now, yeah? I know where this is going to lead. I told you about us for a reason. I care about this girl with all my heart, that's all the matters. I like to think she feels the same way."

It wasn't too long after until Chubbs had to leave. His departure came as a relief to Aubrey because it seems as if he was starting to regret even telling anyone at all about him and Robyn. It also gave him the time to stop by a flower shop to get her some flowers before their date tonight.

On the back of his mind lingered her text but he tried not to make a big deal out of it since everything's been so great.

He looked at himself in the mirror, trying to decipher if the button up shirt he had on this hands was suitable to the restaurant he's taking her to. He had reserved a table in a patio of the restaurant so they're able to have the LA night lights as a view.

The clock hit 7pm and at that time, he was finally able to pick the right outfit for her. He doesn't remember the last time he ever had to try this hard for a girl. He's usually the one being chased. Come to think of it, has there ever been a time like this before?

There was something special about Robyn that made Aubrey like her from the very beginning. First of all, she's so beyond beautiful. Any angle, any makeup, and any hairstyle, she was able to pull it off and made it look sexy. Her voice in itself was seductive; her accent made him listen even more tuned into what she was saying. She doesn't even try to be so sexy most of the time, it's just so natural. A woman is at her sexiest if she doesn't even notice it herself.

Her dedication and responsibility over her work, friends, and family was admiring. He loved the fact that his mother even liked her so much. She had the ability to make the room light up. She's the type that can get down and dirty when she wanted to but be professional and serious when the time is right.

On top of that, she has the power to make him feel like a boy with a grade school crush on the most beautiful girl and the man who can do anything simultaneously. Robyn had some sort of aura that made him feel comfortable and satisfied. She's the most attractive woman he's ever seen inside and out.

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