Chapter 10: Welcome Back

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Hey guys! I posted the intro to my new story called 'Redemption' and I'm currently working on that one now since I just finished writing this chapter. I hope you guys like it!


"So what if he was with another girl? Why do you care? You're being extra about this, sorry to break it to ya." Melissa asked Robyn as she took a bite of her smoked salmon. She had been there for Robyn's heartbreaks throughout the years. There honestly hasn't been a lot. For as long as she can remember, she has never seen her best friend cry that hard over a man.

Robyn has really only had one serious boyfriend before but it never lasted too long because after almost a year, she caught him cheating on her with some girl he met at a bar. It broke her heart of course but she has never really cried for a man before. Now that she's grown to be the woman that she is today, she still wonder if what she felt for him really was love.

It was the first time after six weeks that the duo saw each other and immediately they felt the need to catch up on each other's lives.

"I don't care, I just...I don't know. I did really miss him though." she paused, trying to search for the right words to say, "The moral lesson of it all is that we're only friends."

"Honey, you two aren't just friends. I've never had this drama with a guy friend before." she took a sip of her wine, "Nor have I made out with them. And you little lady, created the drama."

"Oh please that was a while ago. Totally harmless. I just want to push being too affectionate on the side now that I'm back, I didn't think much about it before. I'm sure it's not a big deal. I don't want to mess up my friendship with him; he's an incredible man. Besides, I was really busy, M. You know I barely had any time to call you."

It was the truth.

"Robyn, you made time to call me though. I'm sorry honey but it doesn't take much to send a 'How are you?' text."

She remained silent as the truthful words of her best friend started to become embedded in her brain.

"Well, I'm just saying...You've been all about being this work-oriented woman for a while now but you gotta give some space any man that might come. He's alright with you being so cold around him all of a sudden? Shit, isn't he such a great friend for putting up with your changing attitudes on him. Bitch if you leave me out of the loop like that, you'll never hear the end of it."

"Shut up, it's not that serious."

Robyn looked down and played around her untouched Caesar salad. She wasn't in the mood to eat. Besides the bread that was given to them earlier, all she had was wine. In her mind lingered what Mel just said and it did make her feel bad. If it were the other way around, she wouldn't want to be kept in the dark for six weeks.

She didn't understand the sudden avoidance with Aubrey. A part of her thought that since she never really were successful with relationships nor maintaining a friendship after a relationship then a break up would just ruin them. That's not what she wanted. He meant too much to her now and she wouldn't risk it.

"Everything went well in New York then? What else happened besides with your job? Lele didn't go too crazy, I hope."

"Well...actually.." she took a sip of her drink and looked around the room for a second, "I met someone. Not technically meet, I've met him before it's just I saw him again.."

Mel's eyes widened as she choked on her drink. She let out a few cough, trying to get some air as she touched her chest.

"Excuse me?"

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