Chapter 8: A New Opportunity (part 1)

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Author's sidenote: This chapter was going to be a lot longer but I figured it's better to break it up in two chapters. I'm currently writing my new story which I think has a better story line that this one so watch out for that!


Robyn emerged from her office with the biggest smile on her face. "FUCK YES YES YES" she wanted to scream out loud but she didn't want her customers to run away. This was the cherry on top of her whole year thus far. Her store's manager, Jen, gave her a confusing look.

"Whoa, I haven't seen you smile like this in a long time. What got to you?..or who?"

"Shut up! I just got the best call of my life, Jen!"

"What happened?"

"Remember the Mark guy who called last week and said he'll just call back?" she paused, smiling even more, "He works as a fashion editor for Elle magazine and he wants me to make clothes for Shay Mitchell since she's the covergirl for next month! Plus, if there's good feedback, they would want to feature a piece of my clothing every month! My clothes!"

She was unbelievably happy. Her clothes will be highlighted and she's definitely feeling her hard work paying off. She's always had a hint of self-confidence and at this moment, it was in full mode.

"Oh my god, Rih! That's amazing!!!" Jen immediately went over to give her a hug.

"It's incredible, Jen. I'm in heaven right now! They want me to fly out to their headquarter in New York on Friday. I'm not sure how long but I'm gonna need you to take care of my baby in the meantime. I'll do everything via Skype and email if I have to okay? Always keep me on the loop. Any designs or plans, you will get them." she explained.

"Go do this. Don't mind the store, it'll still be here when you get back."

Even though it wasn't her choice, she took the rest of the day off to relax. Her employees forced her; they practically kicked her out of her own store after hearing the good news. They even clapped for her on the way out. 26 years old and she's killing the game. With great pride, she informed her friends and family. Her mother was ecstatic! Of course, it wasn't a complete congratulations from Momma Fenty if it didn't come with an advice. She told her daughter, "Always be level-headed."

Melissa screamed at the top of her lungs when she found out, not caring that she was also at her work and then demanded a shoutout just in case they ask Robyn for a short interview. She did the same thing the day she got approved to open up her store in Los Angeles so Robyn expected the hype from her best friend.

As she walked through the streets of LA, she took out her phone to call one of the few people she saved for last. One of the most important ones.

"Hey" she said, the smile from her face hasn't faded.

"What's up?" Aubrey's voice from the other side of the call.

"Are you at work? I'm almost there. I have good news."

"Wait, you know where I work?"

"I know where it is, just because I don't go doesn't mean I don't listen"

It was true; she's never been to where he works. Of course, not because she doesn't want to see what he really does, that's not it at all. She was always curious to see what he calls his 'second home' but she never had the time to even think about visiting him. It was ironic because whenever he was around her store, he always stopped by.

Since she visited Toronto, Aubrey has looked at her a little differently. For the past year, just being friends because nothing had happened in the first place has somehow satisfied him. It never occurred to him to pursue anything more than that. They never crossed the line of even being friends with benefits or more. Their relationship had been platonic. Their flirtations became heavier, almost real. However, he now looked her differently. He didn't fully understand why but whenever she spoke, instead of looking at her eyes, he was focused on the movement of her lips. Whenever she bites her lips out of nervousness or just to play around, he couldn't keep his eyes of it. His subconscious mind was wondering if her perfectly shaped lips would come nearer to his. It never did after that one time but he always imagined it.

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