Chapter 14: Play No Games

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Author's sidenote: This chapter will be a little shorter than usual since this is just a little filler for the next one :)


Robyn looked down with a smile as she read a text from Aubrey.

'Stay sober tonight.' he texted her.

Tonight, he's throwing a birthday party for Chubbs and he, of course, had to invite Robyn and Melissa for this celebration. It had only been a couple of days since her mother left to go back to Barbados so Aubrey and Robyn never had a lot of chance to actually talk since their day at the beach.

Fortunately though, they've exchanged a good amount of texts and calls between those days. Their relationship had been going steady and she was thankful it had stayed that way. It had been just like it was before but the difference now is that she was seeing Matt. Not really seeing, per sé, but unofficially dating.

The navy blue bodycon dress hugged her body in the right places. Its sleeves were long which made her outfit more appropriate but its hem which stopped 8-9 inches above her knee made her look beyond seductive. Robyn posed a couple of times in front of the mirror to see if she looked good in every angle. Obviously, she did.

As soon as Melissa picked her up, they headed over to Chubbs' place. The outside of the residence seemed packed. There were cars parked along the nearby streets.

"This must really be a big party," Mel said as she parallel parked near the edge of the stop sign.

"Yeah well, you know Aubrey Drake..go big or go home when it comes to these types of things."

It was already around 10:30pm when they arrived at the seemingly crowded home. She carried a bottle of whiskey in her hand as a gift.

Before they entered the gate though, she received a quick phone call from New York.

"Hey Robyn, I just wanted to say good night, I have an early morning here tomorrow. Have fun tonight alright? The guys will protect you from anyone who's gonna try to hit on you, I got them." Matt said over the other line.

"Good night. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"

"Good night, beautiful."

Melissa rolled her eyes slightly from the sheer cheesiness of her friend.

"Shut up" Robyn told her.

The place was not as crowded as it seemed from the outside although there were still enough people for them to have a little bit of a hard time to find the birthday boy. The amount of women though was mind-boggling.

A cold set of hands wrapped itself around Robyn's waist, which caught her off guard. These hands pulled her closer until she felt its owner's body.

"Hey.." she heard Aubrey's voice from near her ear.

There was a certain confidence with him tonight for some reason.

"Whoa, you smell like straight up Jack." Robyn lectured as she turned herself around to see him.

"It's a mix but you're right, it's mostly Jack." He then turned to give Mel a side hug, "What's going on, M"

"Hey, where's the birthday boy?" she handed the bottle to Aubrey.

"He's around here somewhere...he'll come through. Can I get you ladies anything to drink?"

"How about some shots?"

Aubrey and Mel were surprised by the attitude Robyn carried tonight but they liked it. They don't see her like this very often.

Robyn felt the burning sensation in her throat and she downed a full shot glass of vodka. She shook her head to rattle the bitterness in her tongue. The alcohol quickly got to her and made her feel relaxed.

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